Escapees May June 2015 Demo
A quick overview on how the process works. • Click “Register” in the top right of the Website. • Fill out the registration form. • Click “Register” at the bottom of the page. • You will then be sent an e-mail verification to the e-mail address used. • Open the e-mail and verify your account by clicking the link provided. • Log into your account. • Enter your SKP # and the e-mail address on file associated with your Escapees account. • Your account will then be synced and you will gain access to the mem- ber-only menus. Utilizing the e-mail address associated with your Escap- ees account is the best way for us to ensure accounts are properly and securely linked to the correct users. If you have problems with the process, or you need to change your e-mail address on file, contact Escapees headquarters at 888-757-2582, so we can verify your membership infor-
assisting with upgrades, we began traveling around the country with our son, Gabriel. It didn’t take long for us to fall in love with RVing. We learned quickly that we had to find a balance between working on the road and traveling with our son, but the adventure (and occasional chaos) is something we didn’t want to live without. As we began to travel more and stay away from our home longer, we met extraordinary RVers who work from the road, travel with their families and live a nomadic lifestyle. When we asked them, “Have you heard of Es- capees?,” the response was too often the same: “Escapees doesn’t provide the kinds of resources I would use; it’s a club for retired full-time RVers.” There are two problems with this answer. First, we are not meeting the needs of this segment of RVers, and sec- ond, we are perceived as a club for retired, full-time RVers. It dawned on us that we were no longer living up to our mission statement, which specifically states that we are “A
mation and update your e-mail address. We apologize for the inconvenience; however, security and the protection of your informa- tion is our number-one priority. This has been a tremendous task, and we thank all of those involved with mak- ing this a success, from the IT department who spent countless hours re-programming complicated tasks, to our awesome graphics department who always bring a fabulous design to the table. We also thank the beta
support network for all RVers.” Something had to be done, and the concept of Xscap- ers was born. Xscapers Xscapers is an RV lifestyle group of the Escapees RV Club that is inspired by its original roots. Our founders, Joe and Kay Peterson #1, were only 43 years old and working on the road when they started full- time RVing. When they formed Escapees
testers who combed the site looking for bugs and compiled their recommendations to make improvements to the site. This was truly a team effort across the entire spectrum, and we thank everyone involved for making this possible and for creating an online resource that truly represents what Escapees is all about.
RV Club in 1978, 40 percent of the members were under age 50, the majority were still working at least part-time, and nine of the first 100 member-families were traveling full-time with their kids. Xscapers is an extension of the club’s original roots and is aimed at providing services for working-age RVers. We were faced with a major dilemma when deciding how to best fit the needs of this demographic into the cur- rent membership. To keep information and resources more specific to each RV lifestyle, we realized a one-style-fits-all format simply wouldn’t work. It would be best to have a separate Website for Escapees and Xscapers in order to better fit the specific demographic needs for those retired and those working on the road. Even though there are two Websites, www.escapees. com and , it is important to remember that Xscapers are Escapees and vice versa. There is no separation in membership. In fact, your account is inter- changeable between the Websites giving you the ability to use whichever site best suits your needs and interests. We are excited to bring this new RV lifestyle group into the Escapees RV Club circle and to truly make Escap- ees a total support network for all RVers. So extend your campfire circle and welcome in a new generation of RVers named Xscapers.
A Total Support Network for ALL RVers My wife, Melanie, and I began working part-time at Es- capees in 2010 while attending college. We quickly found ourselves in full-time roles and purchasing a motorhome before we knew it. Entrusted with the job of installing computer systems in all the Rainbow Parks, as well as
10 . ESCAPEES | May/June 2015 |
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