Escapees March-April 2024

Zombie Lot Crawl

Entertainment: Empire Records

Dodgeball Tournament Whacky Chad!

calendar, but the undead-theme was a new addition at this event. Members embraced the zombie weirdness by dressing in costumes, decorating their RVs and serving up some truly unique snacks and drinks. The Xscapers Olympics are a Bash tradition and this year it did not disappoint! Picture this: onesie-clad competitors parading through the venue, preparing to compete in some of the strangest games you’ve ever witnessed, with torches set ablaze as the Olympics were kicked off in true Xscapers style. Throughout the week, educational workshops served up a feast of knowledge, covering everything from solar power and RV boondocking to starting a business on the road. Most of the talks and seminars were given by our very own members and the topics were tailored to cover things that matter most to our community.

The Start of Something Beautiful… and Weird The opening ceremony set the stage for an unforgettable week as attendees embraced the theme of “Come as you were in high school.” From groovy hippies and letter man jackets, to grungy fl annel clad burnouts and emo punks, retro vibes were easy to fi nd in the crowd. A 90s soundtrack performed by Las Vegas’s own Empire Records, turned back the clock. Members danced the night away to tunes that brought them back to their younger years. Afterward, a towering bon fi re lit up the night sky, casting its warm glow on the revelers below. A Whirlwind of a Week From the section block parties and the Zombie Lot Crawl to the Xscapers Olympics, the week was a whirlwind of excitement and adventure. The lot crawl is always one of the most popular activities on any Xscapers Convergence



March/April 2024 ESCAPEES Magazine

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