Escapees March-April 2024

Journey of Unity Highlights, Opportunities and Celebrating the Escapees Staff and Community By MELANIE CARR #8, Escapees RV Club Vice President and co-CEO

This year is swiftly moving along, and it has been heartwarming to see the ways in which the Escapees RV Club community is already coming together. Escapees is truly more than just a collection of services and bene fi ts, it’s a family of 70,000 RVers that help each other fl ourish on their journeys. As we navigate the exciting events and opportunities that lie ahead, it’s clear that Escapees is not just an association—it’s a vibrant community that shares the joys of the RV lifestyle and embraces the spirit of adventure together. A t the time of writing this, the Xscapers Annual Bash is taking place in scenic Lake Havasu, Arizona, where nearly 700 RVers are relishing each other’s company and the magic that takes place during the event. Before that, a group of RVers gathered for the Rose Parade HOP and found them selves bringing in the New Year with fellow Escapees. Hundreds of Xscapers also gathered in the desert at Quartzsite, Arizona, for the New Year’s Eve Meet-Up and danced the night away as the clock struck midnight, and they welcomed 2024. These are just a few ways in which we’ve been embracing community and, later, I’ll talk more about some future opportunities so you won’t miss out on any of the upcoming excitement.

RVERS ONLINE UNIVERSITY First, we’d like to remind you that as we near the end of our 45-year celebrations, time is running out to take advantage of one FREE year of access to RV Founda tions: Operations, Safety and Maintenance within our RVers Online University program. Whether you’re a new or seasoned RVer, there’s always room to learn more and ensure you’re on top of your RVing game. Learn at your own pace, with our virtual modules and electives covering electrical systems, fi re safety, maintaining your generator, domicile and more! This is an offer and savings you don’t want to miss before it ends, in May of 2024. All new Escapees members will receive this incredible offer, too, so share it with your RVing or RV-curious friends! COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY Speaking of great deals! Have you checked out the discounts and services available to you in our Commer cial Directory lately? I’m often surprised by how many members don’t know that our partners and industry friends offer discounts on items crucial to the RVing lifestyle. Whether you are shopping for new tires, insurance, lithium batteries, trip-planning tools or legal/ tax advice, these savings can easily pay back your membership dues and then some! To see what the directory has to offer and learn how to take advantage of these discounts (such as the RVOU offer), login to your dashboard and visit: fi ts/commercialmembers . ONLINE UNIVERSITY DIRECTORY



ESCAPEES Magazine March/April 2024

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