Escapees March-April 2023
An Unspoiled Paradise Near Shubert, Nebraska
By DOROTHY RIEKE Guest Contributor
three thousand acres of grassy meadows, steep timber-covered slopes, and narrow valleys which presents history in a beautiful unrivaled setting. T his park’s diversity of 870 feet to 1,254 feet in elevation advances the growth of 478 species of trees, shrubs, herbs and other plant life. Wild fl owers such as Dutchman’s breeches, jack-in-the-pulpits and red and orange columbines grow abundantly. Those who search diligently may locate rare fl owers such as a few showy orchids and lady’s slippers.
Years ago, the Missouri River was a highway for steamboats carry ing supplies, settlers, trappers, traders and explorers. Along its banks were forts for army per sonnel and trading posts. People and events of that time created a vast wonderful history so intrigu ing to us today. In fact, south eastern Nebraska has become a repository for the lives and adven tures of those who lived long ago. For example, Indian Cave State Park is an unspoiled paradise with
ESCAPEES Magazine March/April 2023
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