Escapees March-April 2023

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Fireweed with Green-veined White butter fl y. BY JOEL THOMSON #152969

Bluebonnets, the Texas state fl ower, are prevalent in the state, as seen here in Central Texas. They are often accompanied by these striking orange Indian Paintbrushes (photo at left). BY MELANIE GOOD #143803

SHARE YOUR VIEW—A NEW THEME EVERY ISSUE With each submission, include your name, Escapees membership number, a description of the photo and the name of the photographer, even if you took the photo. Only a few photos will be selected for each issue. Submissions do not qualify for payment. To submit photos for “View fi nder,” send high-resolution, unaltered digital photos as e-mail attachments to view fi MJ23 (DUE JAN 10) ROADSIDE RELICS JA23 (DUE MARCH 10) LOOK WHAT I FOUND SO23 (DUE JULY 10) CITY LIGHTS ND23 (DUE JULY 10) CAMPFIRE FUN JF24 (DUE SEPT 10) PAINTED SKY MA24 (DUE NOV 10) UNIQUE ARCHITECTURE


March/April 2023 ESCAPEES Magazine

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