Escapees March-April 2023

weight and safety

Spring is for Cleaning By JIM KOCA #86367, Escapees RVers Boot Camp Instructor

Spring is right around the corner. This is an excellent time to begin cleaning out our RV. T hrough the year we tend to bring in more stuff without removing other stuff. All this stuff adds up and, before you know it, the RV is overweight. As your RV accumulates more things, it’s import ant to make a conscious effort to eliminate the things you no longer need. While weighing rigs for SmartWeigh, I have found RV’s that have weighed over their Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR). When questioned about the overage, the owners admitted to buying and stowing t-shirts, books and other knickknacks. Those RVs needed to go on a diet to lose the extra weight to get under the GVWR.

THE SMARTWEIGH PROGRAM PROVIDES ACCURATE INDIVIDUAL WHEEL WEIGHTS FOR YOUR RV, toad and tow vehicle, and it will help you to trim the pounds if needed. Complete weight analysis starting at just $60. Weighing appointments are available Mon—Fri, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Livingston, Texas Rainbow’s End. Other times may be available. Call 936-329-6499 for information on SmartWeigh. Weighing is available at Escapade! What better time to check and re-check your RV for the extra weight that has accumulated than during “spring cleaning” time? Typically this is thoroughly clean ing an RV (house) in the fi rst warm days of spring. Start this simple task by going through your cabinets and storage bins to see what you can off-load. Afterwards, make an appointment with SmartWeigh to have your RV weighed to see how you have done in your “spring cleaning.” A properly balanced RV makes traveling the road safer. SmartWeigh will also measure the height of your RV so you’ll feel safe going under overpasses.


ESCAPEES Magazine March/April 2023


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