Escapees March-April 2019 Vol 40 Issue 5

Different Viewpoints

RVers’ Opinions and Advice from the Road            

Couple Celebrates 75th Anniversary and 43 Years as Escapees Members                                                                        

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park, and most of those volunteers weren’t even lot owners. Marge was one of the original leaseholders with her first lot being lot #99. Today, Marge is one of the busiest ladies at our RoVers Roost SKP park. She volunteers three days a week in the town of Casa Grande at a local hospital. Kudos to Marge! We’re lucky to still have her with us at the original SKP park in Arizona.   

Escapade to be held in February 1979 in Kern County, near Bakersfield, California. Marge attended and was appointed to be the sheriff. Kay Peterson said she was notorious for fining anyone without a badge, as well as fining everyone for even the smallest infractions of her own laws. Thank goodness, it was all in fun! Marge’s daughter, Dianne, and her husband, Carl, went with Joe Peterson to sign the papers to purchase the land for the building of the first Escapees park. RoVers Roost was created as a co-op with the idea that leaseholders would work together in the park, and that motto still holds today. In September 1982, RoVers Roost was officially opened. It took many volunteers to complete the


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