Escapees March/April 2016

Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather Escapees Special Interest Groups

• BoF correspondence, questions and magazine listing updates should be sent to BoF Coordinator, Dortha Hall, 100 Rainbow Drive, Livingston, TX 77351-9300, faxed to 936-327-4388 or e-mailed to . • All updates must be in writing (type, fax or e-mail) and received by the 10th of odd-numbered months. Include your SKP number. • C-BoF (Certified BoFs): Check the “Events and Rally Calendar” for listing of certified BoF group activities. For additional details of individual activities or gatherings, call their voice mail (888-757-7701 plus extension). • Look for the NEW! notice. It signifies a new BoF has formed, and it just may be the interest group for you. • Certified BoFs (C-BoFs): Christian Fellowship x8084, DOVE x8083, Escapees Elk x8082, Heavy Hauler x8081, SOLOs x8080, For additional details of individual activities or gatherings, call 888-757-7701 plus the extension number.

Alternative Medicine: The newsletter is not limited to only herbs, vita- mins, dietary ideas, natural healing and attaining and maintaining health. All sorts of things pop up. I also send BoF Extras and Bits&Pieces. Take what you want, leave what you want, but always become better educated and try to be aware of what the other side is thinking. Free e-newsletter. Please send your SKP number and email address to Please include BoF or Escapees in the subject line. Carol Torns #21855. 120 E. Hampton Rd, Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Amateur Radio: Escapees BoF (Birds of a Feather) groups are comprised of people who share a common interest. In order to belong to a BoF, one must be a member in good standing of the Escapees RV Club. Newslet- ter, SKP Wave newsletter is $5 for three issues. Published January, May and September. Include name, amateur radio call sign if licensed, SKP #, spouse’s name, address, check and e-mail address to Mike Schrody, KD7TKQ, SKP# 115976, PO Box 563, Tonopah, AZ 85354. To receive a ham radio membership list, send a self-addressed envelope, your Es- capees membership number and a $2 donation to: Larry Francis, KW7I, 1315 Joplin St. S, Salem, OR 97302-2315. For additions or corrections to list, please use this e-mail address: and put A.R.BoF on the subject line. For more information, contact Mike Schrody at Bikes, Boots ’n Paddles: This is a casual group (no dues/no newsletter) open to any Escapee who either likes to read about or participate in bi- cycling, walking and hiking and/or paddling activities. Meet at Escapades and informal gatherings or simply share online one of your biking, hiking or paddling experiences. Tell us about biking/hiking routes, trails, paddling locations, equipment and share photos. You’ll find us on Facebook at “SKP Bikes, Boots ‘N Paddles BoF.” Nancy Cullinan: Boomers: Casual group (no rules/no officers) for those who have a youthful mindset. Members enjoy hiking, beading, biking, reading, 4-wheel drives or just sitting around the campfire talking about solar panels, satellite Internet or the latest techno gizmo. Monthly electronic newsletter, Facebook and Yahoo! groups provide multiple opportunities to share the RVing experi- ence. Impromptu gatherings pop up several times a year. No cost to join. Send your name and SKP number to Boondockers: Casual group (no dues) enjoying the dry-camping lifestyle. Bimonthly newsletter lists dates/places of Rendezvous. (Dry-camp spots not listed.) Stan and Mikki Vincent, subscription coordinators; Darryl and Judy Wilson, editors. If you would like to join, e-mail Judy Wilson at Buffs: Buffs like to think of themselves as the Birds withOut Feathers BoF. This group is for SKP members who enjoy wholesome social nudism. On our Yahoo! Groups Website, you can read reviews of nudist campgrounds, get answers to questions, read our newsletter, find nudist campground

reviews, locate nudist campgrounds who offer discounts to Buffs, see who might be camping near you and get involved in discussions. There’s no cost to join. Just e-mail your Escapees membership number and your reason for wanting to join. Christian Fellowship: The Christian Fellowship BoF is a gathering of Escapees believers drawing together members of the Body of Christ to form a mobile church without walls. We enjoy fellowship, fun, worship and spiritual growth and serving local communities. We pray for and encourage one another in the way of the Lord while not focusing on denomination- alism. We meet at Escapades and Christian Fellowship BoF rallies. Visit or . Contact Allen Ferguson at for rally information. Membership: $5. Make checks to Christian Fellowship BoF, your address and SKP# to Janet Hersh #81250, 202 Rainbow Dr., #10258, Livingston, TX, 77399-2002. Computers: For all computer users—PC, Mac, Linux. Info is exchanged by e-mail. To subscribe to the general or the PC newsgroup, e-mail Computer For more info, contact Tom McIlwain #60817, 6003 Main St., Center Valley, PA 18034. To subscribe to the Linux sub-newsgroup: DOVE (the Doves) • C-BoF: Hurricanes, tornados, floods, fires, disasters all have their seasons, and they rarely give us notice when they will happen. Time volunteers give is crucial. When finances are at crisis levels in many organizations, the American Red Cross needs all the volunteer time (and money) we can give. Join the DOVEs and partner with the Red Cross to fill real needs. We’ll help you get trained and paired with just the right disaster response activity to satisfy your desire to help others and to provide life-sustaining assistance for those who have been devas- tated by disasters. To find out more, visit . Yearly dues: $7.50 or $17.50 for three years or general info: Mahlon Stacy, president@ Escapees Elk • C-BoF: Must be member of a BPO Elks Lodge to join. Meet at Escapades. Learn how to join this BoF or how to be directed to a lodge. (The BoF isn’t a lodge.) To join, send $6 per year (checks payable to Escapees Elk BoF), or send SASE for how to be directed to an Elks lodge, to Membership Coordinators, 230 Rainbow Dr., #13071, Livingston, TX 77399-2030. Friends of Bill W: This group meets at Escapades and other Escapees gatherings. There are no dues or fees. Find a meeting or stay in contact with each other while traveling. Contact David and Marilyn, 243 Rainbow Dr., #14341, Livingston, TX 77399-2043. 619-851-3282. DMA50579@ Subscribe to the Yahoo! group by e-mailing SKPBoFfriendsof- You must include your SKP number.

42 . ESCAPEES | March/April 2016 |

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