Escapees July-August 2023

similar healthy mindset is often the trick to meeting any kind of fi tness goal. Many stud ies prove that being accountable to another person, or a group, leads to better health outcomes. A 2018 study at North Carolina State found that when people have a “ fi tness buddy,” they lose more weight, decrease their waist size and have a greater decrease in body mass index (BMI) than people who go it alone. And, movement is not just about weight loss. When more rigorous physical activity is incorporated into our lives, we reap other physical rewards that boost our quality of life. We feel happier, sleep better and our memory feels sharper. Staying active is also protective against the number one killer of adults, cardiovascular disease. It controls blood pressure, decreases LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and boosts our HDL (“good”) cholesterol. Fitness with Friends “We want to help others discover that fi tness can not only be fun but can be more enjoyable when connected to a community of friends,” says Linda. From yoga to dance, Pilates to cardio classes or exploring new places by bike, the former Nautilus fi tness center owner and certi fi ed trainer feels that any kind of physical activity is more enjoy able with friends by your side. About the only thing you won’t fi nd her doing is lacing up a pair of running shoes. “I don’t profess to be a runner like Gary—unless I’m being chased by a bear!” Linda enjoys meeting people who share a passion for staying healthy, so when she and Gary decided to combine RVing with the Blazing New Trails meetups group, she knew it would be a fun way to widen her circle of fi tness camaraderie. Even more importantly, they intuitively knew it could spread the message that moving together is more fun. Today the Chathams are now blazing new fi tness trails wherever they travel in their Grand Design Re fl ection fi fthwheel. Unlike Linda, Gary says he doesn’t need a wild animal to encourage him to run through the woods. Running has been his passion since college. Twenty- fi veyears and 16 marathons later, he quali fi edand raced in the Boston Marathon in 2005. A later obsession with triathlons led him to

RVing is one of the most com fortable ways to experience epic bucket-list destinations. Some times it’s a little too comfortable. That’s because after a long day driving, the last thing most of us want to do is think about a work out. Thankfully, Escapees Linda and Gary Chatham’s new fi tness group for RVers, Blazing New Trails (, is making it easier to combine fi tness, friendship and RVing. Source of Inspiration “The fi tness lifestyle offers many wide-rang ingbene fi ts, but we all struggle with motivation,” says Gary. “Hopefully this group can serve as a source of inspiration, encouragement and fun.” Whether a group walks through Kentucky’s famous Churchill Downs sounds like a good time, or if a more competitive half or full marathon through the Black Hills of South Dakota, is more your speed, the Chatham’s Blazing New Trails meetup group welcomes RVers of every fi tness level to connect at various events around the country. The Buddy System Makes Fitness Fun Whether we are active exercisers or not, all of us eventually feel the effects of aging on our bodies. Getting into better physical condition is the best way for anyone to coun teract age-related aches and pains. And surrounding yourself with others who have a

For more information about the group visit WWW.BLAZINGNEWTRAILS.NET

“Linda enjoys meeting people who share a passion for staying healthy, so when she and Gary decided to combine RVing with the Blazing New Trails meetups group, she knew it would be a fun way to widen her circle of fi tness camaraderie.”


ESCAPEES Magazine July/August 2023

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