Escapees July-August 2022
Vital Details On The 2022 Election Cycle Here are the vital details on the 2022 election cycle (the primaries have already occurred as Texas chose to be the earliest primary voting state in the nation, so for all intents and purposes, that is over): The November 8, 2022 Election dates are as follows: • OCTOBER 11, 2022 —Last day to register to vote; • OCTOBER 24, 2022 —First day of early voting by personal appearance; • OCTOBER 28, 2022 —Last day to apply for a ballot by mail (received not postmarked); • NOVEMBER 4, 2022 – last day for early voting by personal appearance; • NOVEMBER 8, 2022 —Last Day to receive a ballot by mail at 7:00 p.m. if carrier envelope is not postmarked; • NOVEMBER 8, 2020 —General election; • NOVEMBER 9, 2022 —Last day to receive ballot by mail at 5:00 p.m. if carrier envelope is postmarked by 7:00 p.m. at the location of the election site on election day (unless over seas or military deadlines apply) If you need to vote by mail: The fi rst step in voting by mail is to apply. The county clerk, Ms. Hock, can send you the application if you e-mail her a request at The application might be rejected for any of the following reasons: • The application was received more than 60 days before the election “held in • For a primary election, you must indicate your party of preference (unless you are 65 or older and have submitted an annual
January or February of the year following the year the ABBM (i.e. Absentee Ballot) was received.” • Your application was not properly delivered. • Your application was received after the deadline to apply for a ballot by mail. • You indicate you are voting due to expected absence from the county and yet the address you have asked to send the application is in the county. Since this may have the biggest impact on Escapees members, please contact Escapees call center for an appropriate, out-of-county, address—936-327-8873. • If in jail, the address to which your ballot is mailed must be the jail address or a relative’s address. • Your application was not signed. • If you had a witness sign, the witness failed to (1) indicate their relationship to you or (2) failed to indicate that you were unable to make your mark in lieu of signature or (3) failed to provide his/her printed name or residence address. • Your application did not indicate the reason you are entitled to vote by mail.
ABBM), you will receive ballots for all but the primary if you failed to put party preference. • Your residence address of registration was not provided on your application. • Your application was received after the deadline for receiving the application for a ballot by mail. • According to the voter registrar’s records, you are not currently registered to vote. • I could not determine the election for which you are applying for a ballot. • Your application was submitted via fax or e-mail but you failed to send a hard copy original within four business days.
Other In Polk County, Texas, County Clerk Schelana Hock has asked that you please send e-mail or cell phone contact information along with your application so that if any of these problems exist and can be readily cured, her of fi ce can give you a call. Also, unless you are 65 or older, you must fi le a separate application for each election, the primary, any runoff and the general election.
July/August 2022 ESCAPEES Magazine
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