Escapees July-August 2022
view fi nder
In 2005-06 we bought a camper in New Zealand and traveled for six months. While hiking on Mangawhai Cli ff s Walkway above the South Paci fi c Ocean in New Zealand, we were surprised to see sheep on the trail. (Although I don’t know why we were surprised. We saw sheep everywhere we went!) BY JOYCE SPACE #61818
My husband, Larry, holding a crab in White’s Bay, on the north shore of the South Island, on Cook Straight, in New Zealand. BY JOYCE SPACE #61818
In summer of 2010 we traveled in Newfoundland, one of our favorite RVing places. On a trail in Gros Morne National Park I (Joyce) had fun posing on this sea stack which rose above the Gulf of St. Lawrence. BY LARRY SPACE #61818
SHARE YOUR VIEW—A NEW THEME EVERY ISSUE With each submission, include your name, Escapees membership number, a description of the photo and the name of the photographer, even if you took the photo. Only a few photos will be selected for each issue. Submissions do not qualify for payment. To submit photos for “View fi nder,” send high-resolution, unaltered digital photos as e-mail attachments to view fi SO22 (DUE MAY 10) RVING IN AUTUMN ND22 (DUE JULY 10) WINTER WONDERLAND JF23 (DUE SEPT 10) REFLECTIONS MA23 (DUE NOV 10) FLORAL UTOPIA MJ23 (DUE JAN 10) ROADSIDE RELICS JA23 (MARCH 10) LOOK WHAT I FOUND!
July/August 2022 ESCAPEES Magazine
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