Elite Traveler Winter 2019


elite traveler WINTER 2019 35

Object of Desire by Samantha Coles


If you attended any major art show in 2019, you would have no doubt come across Anthony James’ multifaceted sculpture: It was the talk of the show at Masterpiece London and drew curious crowds at the Seattle Art Fair. The large-scale artwork, 80” Portal Icosahedron is a fascinating maze of illuminating LED lights, reflecting mirrors, steel structures and geometric shapes — the closer you get, the longer you’ll be sucked in to stare at the never-ending patterns within. British LA-based artist James is no stranger to thought-provoking pieces; he blazed (quite literally) onto the scene in 2008 when he set his prized Ferrari on fire in the name of art. From $250,000, limited to six pieces.

Icosahedrons are polyhedrons of 20 identical triangular facets, thought to be discovered by the philosopher Plato during a mathematical experiment. Anthony James’ 80” Portal Icosahedron shows an infinite combination of geometric shapes constructed from LED lights, reflecting mirrors and steel

Contact Melissa Morgan Fine Art, info@melissamorganfineart.com, melissamorganfineart.com

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