Elite Traveler Winter 2019
SALES GALLERY, BY APPOINTMENT 401 No r t h Mi ch i gan Avenue , 28t h F l oo r, Ch i cago , I l l i no i s t r i bune t owe r. com 3 1 2 .967. 3700 Stor ied Luxur y C O N T E M P O R A R Y H O M E S . I C O N I C A R C H I T E C T U R E .
DL# 2556130 Allfloorplansshownareforillustrativepurposesonly.Floorplansmaynotdepictfinaldesignofunitsas constructedandmaynotbe drawntoscale.All sketches,renderings,architecturalmodels,materials,plans,specifications,terms,prices,conditionsandstatements,including estimatedtimeframesanddates,containedhereinareproposedonlyandarenotintendedtoconstituterepresentations.Developerreservestherighttomakemodificationsinitssolediscretionandwithoutpriornotice.Allphotographsandrenderingsaremerelyintendedasillustrations oftheactivitiesandconceptsdepictedthereinasinterpretedbytheartists.Developermakesnorepresentationsregardinganyviewand/orexposuretolightatanytimeincludinganyexistingorfutureconstructionbyeitherownerorathirdparty.Squarefootageandceilingheights areapproximateandmaybebasedonvariousmeasurementmethodologies,subjecttoconstructionvariancesandtolerances, aswellasredesign,andvaryfromunittounit(andmayvaryfromfloortofloor).Thisbrochureshall notconstituteavalidofferinanyjurisdictionwhere prior registration is required and not yet fulfilled. Where used, developer shall mean Tribune Tower West (Chicago) Owner, LLC and its affiliated entities and their respective managers, members, directors, shareholders, partners, agents, affiliates and employees. The CHICAGO TRIBUNE ® sign is used under license. All Rights Reserved. Developer License #2556130.
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