Elite Traveler Summer 2023


Compared t ocruise v o y ageson t he ocean, ri v er cruises o ff er amore unhurried pace; one t ha t migh t besaid t oembrace t he re fl ec t i v e, t ranquil elemen t so f slo wt ra v el. A s y oucourse do w nundula t ing ri v ers t ha tw ea v e t hrough and in t ocharac t eris t ic t o w ns, bucolic coun t r y side and beside major si t es, y ou’ll f eel connec t ed t o local cul t ure and be par t o f t he landscape t ha t surrounds y ou. Some t imes y ou can ride a bi k eor w al k beside t heboa t on t he ri v er’sban k as i t mo v esen rou t e t o t hene x t s t op. Speciali z ing in E urope, A ma W a t er w a y spro v idesa la v ish, fl oa t ingbou t iqueho t el e x perience. I t s mos t lu x urious ship A maMagna , f ounded in 2 019, sails E urope’s Danube ri v er. T w ice t he w id t ho f t radi t ional ri v er cruise ships, bu tw elcoming onl y 2 0 % moregues t s, capacious A maMagna f ea t ures f our dec k s, w i t ha majori t y o f i t s rooms classi fy ingas sui t es t ha t measurebe tw een 355 and 7 10sq f t .Don’ t miss i t s f ull-si z ed pic k leball cour t ( ne wt his y ear ) , a w ellness cen t er andspa (t ha t o ff ers group classes and pro f essional t rea t men t s ) , t hepool dec k , and f our dis t inc t i v e res t auran t s — including v ege t able f or w ard A l F resco, comple t e w i t h re t rac t able w indo w s f or ja w dropping Danube v ie w s. G ol f ers, t ee o ff across E uropea t pres t igious courses in Hungar y , A us t ria, G erman y andSlo v a k ia w i t h A maMagna’s t op no t ch Concierge G ol f Program. F rom$4, 2 00 per person. Con t ac t in f o@ama w a t er w a y s.com, +18184 2 86198, ama w a t er w a y s.com

This image AmaMagna sails Europe’s Danube River

Above AmaWaterways providesa fl oating boutique hotel experience

CENTRAL AMERICA Bridging Central and South America, Panama lies on the isthmus that links the regions, between Costa Rica and Colombia, bordering both the Paci fi c Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Its premier metropolis and one of Central America’s fi nest capitals, Panama City, is a modern melange of urban buzz, textured with colonial buildings and contrasting skyscrapers, edged by the rainforest of Natural Metropolitan Park. Jump-start your Atlas Ocean Voyages 10-night Panama to Bridgetown voyage with a few days in the city, one of the cruise line’s new homeports. In 2023, Atlas’s expedition ships will be some of the fi rst to visit the new Panama Cruise Terminal at Fuerte Amador — something a slew of avid cruisers will enjoy crossing o ff their list. On the cruise, discover the Caribbean coast as you unlock Panama’s early history in the city of Colón, visit the indigenous communities in the San Blas Islands, snorkel the unspoiled reefs, and partake in the yacht-style ship’s luxe onboard

From left to right SanBlas Islands; Panama City

ministrations from the spa to locally inspired cuisine. Contact +1 844 442 8527, atlasoceanvoyages.com

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