Elite Traveler Summer 2023

elite traveler SUMMER 2023 36 Contents 70 A udemars Piguet’s incredible craftmanship

74 The Winston Blue diamond, a rare 13.22 carat fl awless vivid blue diamond

Leaders in Luxury 4 6 Jets Thought a private jet

74 Jewelry Roberta Naas is back again in our Jewelry pages, where she explores the rich histories behindGra ff , Harry Winston, Bulgari and Chanel 80 Hotels If walls could talk, these palatial properties would tell tales of epic proportions. We share grand stories behind the world’s most glamorous hotels 8 6 Spas Spa retreats are no longer just about an hour or two of relaxation; many now o ff er completely transformative retreats — Becca Hensley highlights her top picks

90 Travel Solo travel is not a new

through South Australia to an Abu Dhabi Grand Prix bonanza 6 4 Motoring The biggest motoring brands know we must look back to move forward; Alexandra Cheney looks at those car manufacturers who are delving into the archives to create a sustainable future 70 Watches The watch industry can be a mind-boggling one. Roberta Naas cuts through the noise with her expert breakdown of four of the longest-standing and most revered Haute Horologists

Scotch is in its story. Alex Martin takes a trip back in time to discover the narratives behind some of the industry’s fi nest (and rarest) collections 102 Wine What makes a wine a coveted collectible? Price tag alone isn’t enough; Elin McCoy uncovers the recipe 10 6 Restaurants In fi ne dining, a few big names reign supreme, but from under their lead comes the next cohort of dazzling chefs. Kim Ayling speaks to four of them on this issue’s Restaurants pages

purchase started and ended with picking your make and model? Think again. In this issue, Doug Gollan examines the world of jet interiors, from Flexjet’s Bentley-inspired o ff ering to Airbus’s sprawling TwoTwenty cabin 52 Yachts A new generation of yacht owners are coming over the horizon, explains Miriam Cain, and with them come a host of new expectations 58 Cruises Becca Hensley brings you the very best cruise itineraries of the year, from a river tour

concept, but recent events have seen the sector boom — and naturally, the best tour operators have responded with meticulously designed itineraries for one. Samantha Coles looks at the best of thebest 94 Lifestyle Developments Owning a luxury home isn’t enough — now, buyers want a slice of the world’s best amenities too. Irenie Forshaw collates the best branded residence on o ff er right now 98 Spirits Liquid aside, the beauty of

rsche 6 4 Superformance GT40 MKI Tool Room Copy

Photo Ted7 Photography

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