Elite Traveler Summer 2022

cognitive goals

physical goals

Our Method

metabolic goals

With state-of-the-art DEXA body scanning equipment, Cenegenics doctors determined Jake’s starting body composition—muscle mass, bodyfat and bone density. An ultrasound CIMT test measured the thickness of Jake’s neck arteries to assess his risk of heart attack or stroke. A comprehensive blood panel, allergy & immunology testing and neurological performance exam assessed factors like hormone levels, in fl ammation response and metabolic and brain function. “I came out of it with a plan where all the elements worked together—nutrition, exercise, supplementation,” Jake says. “I’m not wasting time guessing and trying some random thing.” Weekly check-ins with his Performance Health Team keep him accountable and motivated—and mean his program has evolved along with his body through almost 10 years as a client.

Jake built lean muscle mass with his Cenegenics Performance Health Coach’s bespoke cross-training regimen and a testosterone supplementation program. Low glycemic load and low sodium foods like vegetables, nuts and dark chocolate replaced the salty snacks in his pantry and his nutritionist showed him how to navigate a restaurant menu without sabotaging his progress when he was out entertaining. The results speak for themselves. Now in his mid-50s, Jake has less bodyfat than he did when he was in his 30s, and his predictive markers for heart disease and diabetes have dramatically improved. “I have more energy. I sleep better. I don’t have any soreness when I wake up,” he says. “I’m a single man in my 50s, and I’m in the best shape of my life. Cenegenics gives me con fi dence to compete against all these young guys out there.”

“I’m a single man in my 50s, and I’m in the best shape of my life. Cenegenics gives me con fi dence to compete against all these young guys out there.”

Each Client is different. Results and cases may vary.

The global leader in Performance Health Age Management.

Metabolic and Hormonal Optimization

Biofeedback Diagnostics

Nutrition Plan

Peak Physical Training

Nutraceutical Supplementation

Visit www.cenegenics.com for a free consultation.

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