Elite Traveler Summer 2021
Access the world’s largest private jet marketplace, powered by Wheels Up. FLYING, PERSONALIZED.
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Wheels Up Partners LLC (“Wheels Up”) does not operate aircraft; U.S. FAA-licensed and DOT-registered air carriers participating in the program, including certain carriers a ffi liated with Wheels Up through common ownership, exercise full operational control of all fl ights o ff ered by or arranged through Wheels Up. For on-demand fl ights and shuttle fl ights operated as scheduled service, Wheels Up acts solely as an agent for Wheels Up members and guests in arranging these fl ights on their behalf. For shuttle fl ights operated as Public Charter service, Wheels Up acts as principal in o ff ering these fl ights subject to the DOT’s Public Charter rules contained in 14 CFR Part 380. All aircraft owned or leased by Wheels Up are leased to an a ffi liated air carrier and are operated exclusively by that carrier.
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