Elite Traveler Spring 2024

skeptical of its bene fi ts but also a tad reluctant, as it is said it can make you feel quite vulnerable. Like a baby in its mother’s womb, you are immersed in a pool heated to 94.1° Fahrenheit; advocates of the treatment compare it to being reborn. Despite my preconceptions, for 60 minutes I am swirled and stretched by a therapist in the warming waters, and it is like nothing I have experienced before. As the therapy progresses, all of my mental chatter begins to melt away and I experience a deeper connection to myself than I have felt for a long time. Perhaps this is what rebalancing feels like. Whatever it is, Vana has worked its magic. by Emma Al-Mousawi From $570 per person for three-night minimum stay. Contact reservations-vana@sixsenses.com, +91 135 351 1111, sixsenses.com

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