Elite Traveler HRS 2017-2018

EXPLORE Socrates Projects launches its exclusive all-around-the-world tour, tailor-made to suit your wildest dreams. This once-in-a-lifetime trip allows guests to encounter the world’s most legendary places and natural wonders in style. Stroll around the Royal Mosque in the city of Isfahan in Iran, delve into the magnificent Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia (one of humankind’s greatest architectural triumphs), chase the sunsets on a sailboat in Tahiti and discover the unspoiled peacefulness of trade winds, ride into the mountains and across the prairie in North America, along streams and through idyllic, sun-strewn meadows, or sleep in a luxury wilderness lodge in South Africa, while staring up at the stars in blissful silence. The world is all yours. For Socrates Projects, even the sky isn’t the limit. You’ll surely enjoy the journey as much as the destination, with your personal chef and flight attendant in a custom-designed private jet. LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST “In the end, there is no better way to bond as a family than through experiencing the craziest things together and seeing the awe in each other’s faces,” Mathieu says. “The adrenaline and positive vibes of those trips last long after the bags have been unpacked. We’d love to inspire you to do the same. Just pick a date. Make time to shape memories, collect stories and reconnect with the people who matter most. Life is a journey, let’s make it a great one!” Prices start at $90,000 per person for a group of minimum eight people for a trip of four weeks. Contact Mathieu Liebaert, director of travel, mathieu@socrates-projects.com, +32 474 301 192

Socrates Projects is operated by an adventure-loving family who have just launched an exclusive around-the-world tour

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