Elite Traveler HRS 2017-2018

We are well aware that we should be eating a healthy diet and doing 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week in order to operate at our maximum capacity. But what about our sleeping patterns? We’re in the midst of a paradigm shift in our attitudes toward sleep and are no longer being told to admire CEOs who function on five hours a night. These days, successful individuals publicly champion seven to eight hours a night and make sleep a priority in their lives. Sheryl Sandberg, Jeff Bezos and the Dalai Lama all aim to sleep at least seven hours a night, and Arianna Huffington is so passionate in her view that we are ignoring the importance of sleep to the detriment of our health and happiness that she has even written a book about it. So what are the long-term health implications of not getting enough sleep, and what does this lack of shut-eye actually do to your body?

by Samantha Coles


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