Edible Michiana Holiday 2022
Advertiser Directory
These businesses offer some of Michiana’s finest local, seasonal and sustainable products, and most stock issues of Edible Michiana . Please support them by using this directory to shop, dine and explore.
BUSINESS SERVICES Eco Owl Press 626 Portage Ave., South Bend, IN 574.703.3941 ecoowlpress.com Everence Financial 1110 N. Main St., Goshen, IN 574.533.9511 everence.com Kotz Sangster | Attorneys and Counselors at Law 12 Longmeadow Village Dr. Ste. 100, Niles, MI 269.591.6915 kotzsangster.com 811 Ship St., Ste. 301, St. Joseph, MI 269.287.2000 317 Center St., South Haven, MI 269.278.2010 COFFEE ROASTERS Main Street Roasters 105 N. Main St., Nappanee, IN 574.773.5333 mainstreetroasters.com Red Arrow Roasters 13933 Red Arrow Hwy., Harbert, IN 269.220.0545 redarrowroasters.com The Refinery Cafe 1525 W. Wilden Ave., Goshen, IN 574.535.0101 therefinerycafe.com EVENTS/COMMUNITIES St. Joseph Today stjoetoday.com The Village at Winona villageatwinona.com FARMS, FARMERS MARKETS & CSAS Burek Farms 0381 E. 400 S., La Porte, IN 219.369.6508 Find on Facebook Fish Lake Organic Berry Patches at the Goshen Farmers Market 62801 E. County Line Rd., Goshen, IN 574.642.3014 Granor Farm 3480 Warren Woods Rd. Three Oaks, MI info@granorfarm.com granorfarm.com Jake’s Country Meats 55721 Decatur Rd., Cassopolis, MI 269.445.3020 jakescountrymeats.com
Southland Farms 215 S. 11th Street, Niles, MI southlandfarms.com Weber Family Dentistry 1213 E. Coolspring Ave. Michigan City, IN 219.872.9151 ext. 3 drweberdds.com HOME & GARDEN InRugCo Studio & Gift Shop 220 E. Mishawaka Ave.
Corn Crib Cafe 0920 IN-5, Shipshewana, IN 260.264.9777 corncribcafe.com David’s Delicatessen & Coffee 30 N. Whittaker St., New Buffalo, MI 269.469.7171 Find on Facebook The Early Bird Eatery 231 S. Michigan Ave., South Bend, IN theearlybirdeatery.com The Electric Brew 118 E. Washington St., Goshen, IN 574.533.5990 theelectricbrew.com 113 E. Lexington Ave., Elkhart, IN 574.293.4864 theelkhartbrew.com Fives Lakes Coffee 0920 IN-5, Shipshewana, IN 260.264.7190 fivelakes.com Light Rail Café & Roaster 1000 Park Ave., Winona Lake, IN 574.269.1000 lightrailroaster.com The Mason Jar Café 210 Water St., Benton Harbor, MI 269.757.7333 Find on Facebook The Oasis 702 W. Lincoln Ave., Goshen, IN 574.971.8628 theo.bar Pink Lemonade Pastries 231 S. Michigan St., South Bend, IN 574.208.3806 pinklemonadepastries.com Pizzeria Venturi 123 E. Lincoln Ave., Goshen, IN The Ragamuffin Bakery + Coffee 321 S. Main St., #105A, South Bend, IN 574.310.9025 Find on Facebook Yoder Popcorn 0920 IN-5, Shipshewana, IN 260.768.4051 yoderpopcorn.com 574.485.2985 eatventuri.com
Kaminski Farms 16682 Schwark Rd., Three Oaks, MI 269.756.7457 kaminskifarms.com Miller Amish Country Poultry 9622 W. 350 N., Orland, IN 800.532.4186 millerpoultry.com Miller’s Orchard 501 W. Randolph St., Nappanee, IN 574.773.3923 millersappleorchard.com Nelson’s Herbs 65391 Dailey Rd., Edwardsburg, MI 574.215.8212 Find on Facebook Organic Blueberry Ranch 54743 Buckeye Rd., Mishawaka, IN 574.255.5773 blueberryranch.com Tower Hill Farms 4448 Naomi Rd., Sodus, MI 269.944.5063 Find on Facebook Verdant Hollow Farms 11907 Garr Rd., Buchanan, MI 773.882.4431 verdanthollowfarms.com GROCERY STORES Bamber’s Superette 1145 Mishawaka Ave., South Bend, IN 574.287.1871 Find on Facebook
Mishawaka, IN 574.303.8820 indianarugco.com Lake Interiors 14906 Red Arrow Hwy., Lakeside, MI 630.863.9940 lakeinteriorsinc.com Perennial Accents 220 State St., St. Joseph, MI 269.983.5791 perennialaccents.com RENTALS & B&BS Barn of Three Oaks Three Oaks, MI 312.286.9313 thebarnofthreeoaks.com GoldberryWoods 9902 Community Hall Rd. MUSEUMS, MUSIC VENUES & NONPROFITS Fernwood Botanical Gardens 13988 Range Line Rd. Niles, MI 269.695.6491 fernwoodbotanical.org RESTAURANTS, CAFÉS & CATERERS Cerulean Restaurant Union Pier, MI 269.469.9800 goldberrywoods.com
Garden Patch Market 228 W. Edison Rd., Ste. 1
Mishawaka, IN 574.255.3151 gardenpatchmarketonline.com Maple City Market 314 S. Main St., Goshen, IN 574.534.2355 maplecitymarket.com Purple Porch Co-op 123 N. Hill St., South Bend, IN 574.287.6724 purpleporch.coop HEALTH & BEAUTY Green Stem Provisions 1140 S. 11th St., Ste. A Niles, MI 269.262.4778 greenstemmi.com Harbor Country Dental 105 W. Merchant St. New Buffalo, MI 269.469.3140 harborcountrydental.com
1101 E. Canal St. Winona Lake, IN 574.269.1226 ceruleanrestaurant.com Constant Spring 219 S. Main St. Goshen, IN 574.533.3302 aconstantspring.com
SCHOOLS Bethany Christian Schools 2904 S. Main St., Goshen, IN
574.534.2567 bethanycs.net
| HOL IDAY 2022
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