Edible Blue Ridge Summer 2022


redbeard brewing

Lisa Archer is a writer, baker, and the editor of edible Blue Ridge. She believes imagination, curiosity and compassion are a person’s greatest assets. She loves a good story. Whether it is ingrained in a loaf of bread, told over a frothy pint, or sprouting from a burgeoning farm, she wants to hear yours. Susanna Byrd has loved the land of central Virginia her whole life, and though she’s spent time on farms from Ohio down to Patagonia, she’s always found her way back home. She was a 2013-14 fellow of the Allegheny Mountain Institute and has an MFA in Creative Writing from Hollins University. She now stewards a small, ecological flower farm west of Charlottesville, Virginia. Jesse Feldberg is a lifelong Roanoker with a penchant for seeking out the best food wherever he finds himself. He is an avid baseball fan (Go O’s!), enjoys making all kinds of fermented foods, and wants to pet your dog. Matt Hovey has been the Beale’s Brewery Pitmaster for two years. His interest in BBQ comes from years of living in Kansas City, and from the many BBQ pits there. He enjoys a mix of Texas, Kansas City and North Carolina styles. Layla Khoury-Hanold is a journalist who has written for Food52, Food Network, Refinery29, e Chicago Tribune, and Vine Pair. She’s working on her debut memoir. Follow her food and writing journeys at www.wordswithlayla.com and on Instagram @words_with_layla. Grant Kitrell is a writer, illustrator, and musician. Grant is the Poetry Editor at Flock Literary Journal and currently serves as the Director of Academic Services and Writing Program at Randolph College. He was the winner of the Philip Booth Poetry Prize, and his writing has appeared or is forthcoming at e Common, Salt Hill, Split Rock Review, and e Carolina Quarterly, among others, and in his collection of prose poems, Let’s Sit Down, Figure is Out, (Groundhog Poetry Press). He lives in Lynchburg, VA with his partner Hannah and their pups, Margot and Hap. Christina Nifong is a freelance writer, marketing manager at the Ro anoke-based Local Environmental Agriculture Project (LEAP), and mother to three hungry eaters.

Josh Nolan is a Roanoke based muralist and painter.

Danica Rose is an artist and food illustrator living in Crozet, Virginia. She loves capturing the beauty of a just-picked vegetable or a favorite dish right out of the oven. Follow her on Instagram @morningstarwatercolor

(540) 430-3532 www . redbeardbrews . com

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