Disaster Recovery Journal Winter 2023
2023 BC Software Directory DIRECTORY Winter Edition
Disaster Recover Journal publishes four vendor directories each year, with no evalutaion of products or services described. Vendors should contact Jon Seals at jon@drj.com to be included in future directories.
everything you need and is accessible whenever you need it. Business Protector has provided comprehensive solutions since 1986. Discover what Business Protector can do for you. Premier Continuum 1010 Sherbrooke West Suite 800 Montreal, Quebec H3A 2R7 Canada ParaSolution is a user-friendly web solution that covers every aspect of BCM (Business Impact Analysis, Risk Assessment, Business Continuity, IT Disaster Recovery, Implementation, Exercises, and Incident Management) and makes data col lection and updating in the language or format of your choice easier. ParaSolution adapts to your organization structure, culture, methodology and terminology. For the administrator, ParaSolution is a winning solution with real time and relevant information, workflows and dashboards bringing tremendous value to your program. Quantivate 20250 144th Ave NE, Suite 300 Woodinville, WA 98072 425-947-5894 www.quantivate.com Quantivate BC/DR Software reduces the time you spend managing and maintaining plans. The solu tion enables you to understand your organization, develop implementable BC/DR plans, keep your plans up-to-date, and increase the availability of critical operations across the enterprise. The Quantivate solution uses a repeatable methodol ogy that removes single points of failure in pro cesses and technology. Ensuring quantifiable risk measurement capabilities allowing BC/DR data to be harnessed for the greater GRC good. Riskonnect 1701 Barrett Lakes Blvd., Suite 500 Kennesaw, GA 30144 770-790-4700 514-761-6222 or 1-877-761-6222 www.premiercontinuum.com info@premiercontinuum.com
pate, manage, and respond in real-time to stra tegic and operational risks across the extended enterprise. More than 2,000 customers across six continents use our unique risk-correlation tech nology to gain previously unattainable insights that deliver better business outcomes. Riskonnect has more than 800 risk management experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. To learn more, visit riskonnect.com. Rothstein Publishing 4 Arapaho Road Brookfield, CT 06804-3104 203-740-7400 Rothstein Publishing is the premier content pro vider for the growing and global discipline of Business Continuity Management and related fields. Since 1989, we’ve been publishing an extensive, informational suite of books, tem plates, eBooks and software about Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, Emergency and Risk Management, Crisis Management, Enterprise Security and Cause Analysis. SAI Global 646-832-8911 205 West Wacker Drive, Suite 1800 Chicago, IL 60606 https://www.saiglobal.com/risk/solutions/ business-continuity-management SAI Global offers the leading cloud platform comprised of risk and compliance software and ethics and compliance learning content. SAI360 for Business Continuity Management enables organizations to quickly deploy a scalable solu tion with built-in best practices and analytics that identify gaps to ensure resilience to provide the confidence that your organization can recover quickly and efficiently from any business disrup tion. SAI360 Business Continuity Management is the cornerstone of our risk platform and can be up and running in days. ServiceNow 2225 Lawson Lane Santa Clara, CA 95054 https://www.servicenow.com/contact-us.html ServiceNow makes the world of work, work www.rothstein.com info@rothstein.com
better for people. Born in the cloud and built for the front line, ServiceNow products seamlessly embed risk management, compliance activi ties, and intelligent automation into your digital business processes to continuously monitor and prioritize risk. ServiceNow Risk solutions help transform inefficient processes and data siloes across your extended enterprise into an auto mated, integrated, and actionable risk program. You can improve risk-based decision making and increase performance across your organi zation and with vendors to manage the risk to your business in real time. Make riskinformed decisions in your daily work. www. servicenow. com/risk Virtual Corporation, LLC Virtual Corporation is a leader in implementing enterprise continuity programs and organiza tional resilience. At Virtual, we aim to empower organizations of all sizes in all industries to achieve sustained resilience with our business resilience solutions. These solutions are prudent, practical, achievable, sustainable, and scalable, incorporating world-class software. We take this comprehensive approach in order to best help our clients become resilient, able to conquer whatever challenges lie ahead. When you part ner with us, you’re not just partnering with a busi ness continuity management software company – you’re partnering with a dedicated ally com mitted to helping you succeed. We realize that all businesses and organizations are unique, so empowerment should never be one-size-fits-all. We take the time to understand you, your mis sion, and your goals to craft strategies that will work. The strategies we propose will always be cost-effective and easily understood and remem bered, and results will be delivered early and often. You don’t have to go it alone, nor should you. Whether you’ve just started your plan or already have an extensive organizational resil ience plan or enterprise business continuity plan in place, we will help you not only manage but also analyze and implement an optimal program that fits your business’ needs. 2920 Laguna Court Loveland, CO 80538 800-944-8478 www.virtual-corp.com
www.riskonnect.com/solutions/ business-continuity-software
Riskonnect is the leading integrated risk manage ment software solution provider. Our technology empowers organizations with the ability to antici
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