Disaster Recovery Journal Spring 2024

tool for data analysis and forecasting, allowing professionals to access insights quickly and efficiently. Encourage your employees to collaborate with AI to lever age its strengths in data processing and analysis. They can also use AI to empha size the importance of human expertise in interpreting AI-generated insights to make context-specific decisions. Human Oversight is Indispensable While AI can automate many tasks, there are scenarios where human judgment is indispensable, especially in the realm of ethical dilemmas, crisis management, and complex, high-stakes situations. The organization must clearly define the scenarios where human oversight is required and ensure AI defers to human experts. A strong culture of decision review should be developed so AI-supported deci sions are scrutinized by professionals. Ethical Considerations Jeremy Clarkson, of Top Gear and the Grand Tour fame, has a quote we’ve always found humorous about autono

mous vehicles: “If the choice is between risking hitting a schoolchild and a gigan tic tree, the car will hit the tree. And you paid for it, that is, for a car that follows the instructions necessary to end your life.” AI systems may (read: will) lack the ability to make ethical decisions, or their decisions can be at odds with ethical stan dards. Resilience professionals play a cru cial role in ensuring ethical considerations are upheld. The organization must establish clear guidelines for ethical considerations when using AI in resilience strategies and main tain a robust code of ethics to guide AI decision-making within the resilience con text. Encourage professionals to be vigi lant in addressing ethical concerns. The Importance of Continuous Learning The dynamic nature of AI and tech nology necessitates ongoing learning and adaptation for organizational resilience professionals. Staying updated on the

latest AI trends, understanding its applica tions, and honing skills in AI-driven ana lytics are essential to remain effective in this field. Evolving AI Landscape AI technologies and tools are continu ously evolving and will be for years to come. Keeping up with the latest advance ments, trends, and best practices is para mount to maximizing their potential for organizational resilience. The organization should invest in regu lar training and education programs to focus on AI and its applications in orga nizational resilience, as well as encourage professionals to attend AI-related confer ences, workshops, and webinars to stay informed about the latest developments. The organization must foster a culture of curiosity and learning, where employees are motivated to explore new AI-driven possibilities. Skills Development As AI becomes more integrated into resilience practices, professionals need to


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