Disaster Recovery Journal Fall 2023
AD INDEX 4C Strategies ............................................................ 19 www.4cstrategies.com Agility Recovery/Preparis ......................................... 21 www.agilityrecovery.com Converge Enterprise Cloud ...................................... 23 www.convergeenterprise.cloud “Crisis Management” by Regina Phelps ................... 12 https://tinyurl.com/yyy9p27c DataCore Software ................................................... 33 www.datacore.com DRJ Academy .................................................... 49, BC www.drj.com/academy DRJ Fall 2023 ...................................................... 43-45 www.drj.com/fall2023 DRJ Mentor ....................................................... 42, BC www.drj.com/mentor eBRP Solutions ....................................................... 2-3 www.ebrp.net Everbridge ................................................................ 39 www.everbridge.com Fusion Risk Management ......................................... 13 www.FusionRM.com ICOR ......................................................................... 35 www.theICOR.org illuminr ...................................................................... 15 www.iluminr.io Infinite Blue ................................................................. 4 www.infiniteblue.com IWG (International Workplace Group) ...................... 25 www.iwgplc.com Libelle ....................................................................... 27 www.iwgplc.com OnSolve .................................................................... 17 www.onsolve.com Perpetuitti Technosoft ................................................. 7 www.ptechnosoft.com/ Premier Continuum ................................................... 31 www.premiercontinuum.com Ripcord Solutions ..................................................... 37 www.ripcordsolutions.com Riskonnect ................................................................. 11 www.riskonnect.com Virtual Corporation .................................................... 29 www.virtual-corp.net
planners.org www.midwestcontingencyplan ners.org Mid-America Contingency Planning Forum Paul Streidl president@mcpf.us https://mcpf.wildapricot.org/ National Fire Protection Association Jim Pauley publicaffairs@nfpa.org www.nfpa.org Partnership for Emergency Planning Jim Baird pepboard@hotmail.com www.pepkc.org RECO Quebec Simon Morin administration@reco-quebec.org www.reco-quebec.org Safeguard Iowa Partnership sip@safeguardiowa.org safeguardiowa.org South East Business Recovery Exchange Matthew Roniger Matthew.Roniger@iberiabank. com www.sebre.net
ASSOCIATION OF CONTINGENCY PLANNERS (ACP) www.acp-international.com (800) 445-4227 staff@acp-international.com. Business & Industry Council for Emergency Planning & Preparedness info@bicepp.org https://www.bicepp.org/ Business Continutity Group AdamEckstein acpmvpadam@gmail.com https://acpmvpadam.wixsite. com/bcgsfl Kathy Davis info@bcpa.org https://www.bcpa.org/ Business Executives For National Security bens@bens.org www.bens.org Business Recovery Managers Association president@brma.com www.brma.com Business Continuity Planners Association
Business Resiliency Professionals of Wisconsin info@brpwis.org https://brpow.wildapricot.org/ Business Resiliency Planners Association of Chicago Chris Trzeciak https://brpa-chicago.org/ Continuity Professionals of Ohio Jody Davis-Curless president@cpohio.org www.cpohio.org. Contingency Planning Association of the Carolinas Chris Servia chairman@cpaccarolinas.org www.cpaccarolinas.org DRIE - Atlantic drieatlc@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/ drieatlc DRIE - Central
DRIE - Southwestern Ontario publications@drie-swo.org drie-swo.org DRIE - Toronto president@toronto.drie.org https://toronto.drie.org/ DRIE - West driewestorg@gmail.com www.driewest.org Emergency Preparedness for Industry and Commerce Council info@epicc.org www.epicc.org Great Plains Contingency Planners gpcpinc@gmail.com www.greatplainscontingency planners.com Iowa Contingency Planners icp@icp-web.org https://icp-web.org/
Mid-Atlantic Disaster Recovery Association
info@driecentral.org www.driecentral.org
info@madra.org www.madra.org
DRIE - Ottawa
Lisa Maddock president@drieottawa.org www.drieottawa.org
Midwest Contingency Planners Shelly Hogan president@midwestcontingency
To add or update information on your local planning group, please contact DRJ Editor Jon Seals at jon@drj.com. Include the name of your organization, contact person, email, and website.
DISASTER RECOVERY JOURNAL | FALL 2023 49 DISASTER RECOVERY JOURNAL (ISSN 1079-736X; USPS 013-076; Publication Agreement No. 40679000) is published quarterly by Systems Support, Inc., 1862 Old Lemay Ferry, Arnold, MO 63010. Subscriptions are free to all qualified personnel in the U.S. and Canada involved in managing, preparing, or supervising business continuity planning. Rate for all others in the U.S. is $10, Canada and Mexico $24, all other countries $47. For renewals or change of address, please include current mailing label. Periodical Postage Paid at Arnold, MO and additional offices at St. Louis, MO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DISASTER RECOVERY JOURNAL, 1862 Old Lemay Ferry, Arnold, MO 63010. Canada Post Publication Agreement No. 40686534. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: DISASTER RECOVERY JOURNAL, PO Box 456, Niagra Falls, ON L2E 6V2. DISASTER RECOVERY JOURNAL is copyrighted 1987-2023, by Systems Support, Inc., all rights reserved. DISASTER RECOVERY JOURNAL is a registered trademark of Systems Support, Inc. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without expressed written permission. Articles submitted by readers do not represent the views or opinions of DISASTER RECOVERY JOURNAL and are published for their informational content only.
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