Desert Mirage HS 2020
"The show began with an investigation into the disappearance of a young boy amid supernatural events occurring around the town, including the appearance of a girl with psychokinesis abilities who helped the missing boy's friends in their search. What caught my attention was that there was an Upside-down World. My favorite character was eleven she was the one who had superpowers and helped find William as previously mentioned." - Kimberly Arellano (11th) Stranger things
On my Block
"I liked this show because I related to it in certain ways. For Example, quinceaneras or having to share my room when my "tios" (uncles) or "abueiltos" (grandparents) came to visit my family. But overall, this show was incredibly funny and my favorite character was obviously Ruby." Itzel Ram (9th)
''Gilmore girls has been my all time favorite show. Just over all even though it is an old show it has its special qualities. Totally recommend it, it is very funny and us girls can totally relate to it."- Ms. Dabbs Gilmore Girls
George Lopez
"This show was written by the comedian George Lopez, who played a fictionalized version of himself. It revolved around his life at work and raising his family at home. I really liked this show because it was very funny to watch and George Lopez has always made hilarious jokes." Fernando Becerra (El Security.)
Additional TV Shows
Attack on Titans
Looney Tunes
"Attack On Titan was bloody, which was why I enjoyed watching it so much. There was suspense to know who would be eaten or killed next was extremely absorbing. So much so that I binged it and watched the entire series in seven days." Blanca Almada (11th)
'I loved to watch Looney Tunes because it was funny and it warned me to not try mischievous things at home, even though the stunts were quite interesting. My favorite character will remain to be Bugs Bunny because he was hilarious and acted insane most of the time.'' -Gustavo Sandaval (9th)
'' My favorite show was a German series that showed several intertwining families in the German city of Widen and
"This show was great because it was about teenagers killing zombies and about survival. I loved Zack because he was extremely funny and brought me laughter" Itzels Ramirez
the disappearance of several local children. Leaving Viewers with suspense. I loved this
show because every time they found a body it made me more intrigued." Gabriela Gutierrez (11th)
My Favorite Series
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