Desert Mirage HS 2020
Seniors at Desert Mirage gathered early in the morning at the baseball field, carrying on the annual school tradition where they watch the sunrise. In celebration on the start of their final year of high school. The purple sky with orange undertones glazed over the ram field while the seniors waited to be with their friends and classmates; who gathered to make unforgettable memories in their final year of high school. Senior Alejandra Tejas says, "I enjoyed being able to experience one sunrise with a group of friends that meant a lot to me. They have always been there to boost me in difficult situations and bring joy into my life." As senior year begins the realization that even though school let out for the summer, we all knew we would be back next year
was felt for the last time. Moments that are experienced as seniors are the final moments together as a class and as friends. Senior year is the "last first day," and an endless series of lasts. The last homecoming, the last prom, the last year of not having an overwhelming amount of responsibilities, the year we find ourselves. Senior Andrea Hernandez says, "as senior year began I was excited for activities like the sunrise because these are the moments we will remember as a class and as friends." Many will pursue careers and maybe move out of the Valley but the connections that Generation Z made at Desert Mirage High School, the Senior Sunrise, even this picture will be what brings everyone back together in a not so distant future. Story By Stephanie Campos.
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Senior Sunrise
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