Desert Mirage HS 2020
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Swim Class
Freshmen year is when we start to experience new things like a swimming class. Senior Marcelo Molina said, "going into swim class was a cool experience especially because swimming with my homie Rosario we would goof around and just have fun."
Todays moments became yesterday's memories. With that said, Senior Bryan Hernandez, recalls "...back when Donald Trump was running for president, we joined the 'One Day Without Immigrants' protest." Although band students had to be at band practice at six in the morning a few still found a way to join the political protest. "Every gate in school was guarded by securities except the back door, so we went out through there, then to the parking lot and our friend's mom gave us a ride to the front of the school were the Sun Bus was at. We waved it down, stopped it and jumped on because we were about to miss it," said Senior Jose Cruz Garcia. "We will always remember our adventure, all for trying to be a part of the political protest" said Senior Jose Cruz Ruiz. Seniors were a big factor on how the underclassmen viewed substitutes because they had already experienced multiple substitutes rating them from really chill, to mean, or "good". When seniors got the mean substitutes they complained and talked not too nicely about them, but when they got the really chill substitutes they spread the word and quickly the underclassmen welcomed them. Nonetheless, there were those substitutes that made learning fun like Ms. Soto. She made her students write a song, partake in hands-on lessons, and learn so students like Senior Rosa Delgado enjoyed her class. Subs however weren't the only fun memories, seniors had a way of making their own. Mariani Torres was one of the students who did not often get into trouble but the day she did it was one for the books. Her best memory was when she decided not to get dressed for P.E. and her teacher, Mr. Chaves called her dad, let's just say that was a rapidly learned lesson. Story by Jose Antonio Martinez
We've all had our favorite substitutes and for Senior Tammy Torres it was Ms. Soto. "I never expected to have such an amazing sub like Ms. Soto, she made my freshman year super fun and always gave me a great vibe!" Substitute Mayhem
PE Consequences
Senior Mariani Torres learned from her freshman year experiences and proudly represented our school in the Honor Guard. She worked hard to get to where stands, "Shout out to Mr. Chavez for giving me one of my
first important high school lessons."Mariani Torres
Way Back When
Spread By: Jose Antonio Martinez
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