Dental Health Q2 Checkup 2017
Introducing Sonic® Nitrile Gloves Our Newest Nitrile – 2.2mil
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A M A Z I N G ® Our Best Selling Nitrile – 2.0mil Powder Free Violet Exam Gloves
T R A N S F O R M ® Stretch Nitrile – 3.0mil Powder Free TransBlue Exam Gloves
No mix & match products or sizes. Free goods shipped with DHPI order. Offer valid 04/01/17 - 06/30/17. BUY 8 BOXES GET 2 FREE
P E R F O R M ® Dental Product Shopper Best Product - 2.5mil Powder Free Teal Exam Gloves
Q U E S T ® White Soft Nitrile - 3.5mil Powder Free Exam Glove
© 2016 Supermax Healthcare Inc.
Cradle toDorm Getting patients to adulthood with a healthy smile is easier with FluoroDose ® .
FluoroDose is with them every step of the way! From the very first tooth, they will love the great taste . Toddlers 1 will sit still for the fast, 30-second application – four swipes and you’re done! Whether on primary teeth or during ortho, they’ll enjoy the smooth feeling; and the maximum uptake helps stop white-spotting . 2 And, all kids love that FluoroDose stays clear, with no yellowing . Get them to college with a happy, healthy FluoroDose smile!
This is why THE DENTAL ADVISOR has found FluoroDose to be the top fluoride varnish for three years in a row… “ stands out from all others in the market place ”.
F luoro D ose ® 5% Sodium Fluoride Varnish with Xylitol Prevention for Life
First tooth Toddler
Primary teeth
College © 2017 Centrix, Inc. 1.ThereareseveralstudiesontheADAwebsiteexplainingtheuses/benefitsoffluoridevarnishes,visit: 2. JainaraMariaSoaresFerreiraI;AnaKarlaRamalhoAragãoII;AdrianaDiasBatistaRosaIII;FábioCorreiaSampaioIV; ValdeniceAparecidadeMenezesV“Therapeuticeffectoftwofluoridevarnishesonwhitespotlesions:arandomizedclinical trial”Braz.oralres.vol.23no.4SãoPauloOct./Dec.2009;StaffordGL “Fluoridevarnishmayimprovewhitespotlesions”.EvidBasedDent.2011Dec;12(4):104-5.doi:10.1038/sj.ebd.6400823.
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