Dental Health 2016 Catalog


PRACTICE PROTECTION Dental Health Products, Inc. was founded in 1991 beginning with the sale of key Infection Control products like gloves. We understand Infection Control in the Dental Health Care setting. In line with our mission to assist you in building your practice’s profitability through timely solutions, we offer a wide variety of Infection Control products that comply with CDC recommendations and OSHA guidelines.


ONE CALL GETS US ALL. When you call DHPI and speak to an experienced Account Manager, they will work with you and our entire team of professionals to select the best SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT and SOLUTIONS for your practice. 1-800-626-2163

TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS We have Technology Solution Partners in every Serviceable Territory ready to assist with all your Practice’s needs! Service, Repair and Installation, Network Management, Product Consultation and Monthly Maintenance Programs. All of our local Partners have an extensive and trusted history of Computer and Technology Support!


MESSAGE ON HOLD “Since installing the DHPI Message on Hold program at our practice, we have seen an increase in the number of call- ers who inquire about the different procedures we offer that they didn’t even knowwe provided!” —Holland Dental Centre

OPTIONS INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Customize OPTIONS® specifically for your office – providing you the ability to track and order everything from dental supplies to office products. Plus, OPTIONS® flexibility can easily handle multiple orders for multiple locations, frommultiple suppliers.


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