Dental Health 2016 Catalog

BluWhite Diamonds

Bl uWh i te FG Di amonds BluWhite Diamonds cut faster and clean easier than other leading manufacturers due to the unique grit application process, which helps reduce clogging and improves cutting efficiency. BluWhite diamonds offer a wide selection of shapes and grits which feature unique extra coarse diamond particles (40% larger than competitors). BluWhite diamonds are a great option for any operative or prosthodontic procedure time after time. Grit Type Super Fine Yellow 44-62 Fine Red 74-88 Regular (Medium) Blue 105-125 Coarse Grit Color Band Microns Grit Diamonds 5/pack ................ $53.75 (sizes and types may be mixed for best rate)

Color Band Microns

Green Black

125-149 177-250


Extra Coarse

016 6.0

012 3.7

016 3.2

010 4.8

010 2.9

014 4.0

010 4.8

012 6.2

012 6.2

016 7.3

016 8.7

Ø 1 /10 mm LG mm

Super Fine Fine

195-FG541F5 195-FG542F5


Straight Cylinder

Regular 195-FG509R5 195-FG527R5 195-FG530R5 195-FG540R5 195-FG541R5 195-FG542R5 195-FG545R5 195-FG550R5 195-FG555R5 195-FG560R5 195-FGR575R5 Coarse 195-FG509C5 195-FG527C5 195-FG530C5 190-FG540C5 195-FG541C5 195-FG542C5 195-FG545C5 195-FG550C5 195-FG555C5 195-FG560C5 195-FG575C5 Extra Coarse 195-FG545XC5 195-FG555XC5 195-FG575XC5

012 6.8

014 7.5

012 7.9

021 8.0

040 1.0

047 1.0

060 2.0

060 0.7

063 0.2

Ø 1 /10 mm LG mm


Super Fine Fine

195-FG825F5 195-FG835F5 195-FG845F5

Straight Cylinder Regular


190-FG825R5 195-FG835R5 195-FG845R5 195-FG855R5 195-FG890R5

195-FG581C5 195-FG582C5 195-FG585C5 195-FG595C5

195-FG825C5 195-FG835C5 190-FG845C5 195-FG855C5


195-FG835XC5 195-FG845XC5

Extra Coarse

Composite Finishing Diamonds

Grit Color Band Microns

Compo Ultra Fine

Violet Yellow

17-23 34-40

Compo Fine

014 2.9

021 4.0

012 5.0

010 6.9

023 4.6

023 4.9

016 2.8

014 5.0

Ø 1 /10 mm LG mm

Compo Ultra Fine 195-FG52745 195-FG5274N5 190-FG52055 195-FG5205L5 195-FG52505 195-FG52555



195-FG42055 195-FG4205L5 195-FG42505

195-FG46105 195-FG42235

Compo Fine

Ø 1 /10 mm LG mm 025 2.1 Compo Ultra Fine 190-FG50625 195-FG52095 195-FG52195 195-FG52365 195-FG5236P5 195-FG52015 190-FG54005 Compo Fine 190-FG40625 195-FG42095 190-FG42195 195-FG42365 195-FG4236P5 195-FG42015 190-FG44005 016 6.0 010 4.1 012 4.2 016 10.2 016 9.0 016 1.3

= indicates SS short shank available: 16.5 mm (ex SS427R)

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