DHP Q1 Checkup 2022
Integra ® Miltex ® Products Limit Uncertainty
Collagen Special ■ January 1 - March 31, 2022
Buy 4 Boxes of Collagen, Get 1 (Mix &Match) HeliTape ® , HeliCote ® and HeliPlug ® , Collagen Wound Dressing, HeliMend ® and HeliMend ® Advanced Collagen Membrane
DHP Item # Description
DHP Item # Description
DHP Item # Descriptio n
HeliTape ® Absorbable Collagen Wound Dressing 1" x 3" (2.5cm x 7.5cm) HeliCote ® Absorbable Collagen Wound Dressing ¾" x 1 ½" (2cm x 4cm) HeliPlug ® Absorbable Collagen Wound Dressing ⅜ " x ¾" (1cm x 2cm)
HeliMend ® Absorbable Collagen Membrane 15mm x 20mm HeliMend ® Absorbable Collagen Membrane 20mm x 30mm HeliMend ® Absorbable Collagen Membrane 30mm x 40mm
HeliMend ® Advanced Collagen Membrane 15mm x 20mm HeliMend ® Advanced Collagen Membrane 20mm x 30mm HeliMend ® Advanced Collagen Membrane 30mm x 40mm
O ff er valid 01/01/2022 - 03/31/2022 in the USA for end-users only and does not apply to government, institutional or dealer stocking orders. By participating in this o ff er, Customer agrees, as applicable, to properly disclose the discounts or reductions in price in the costs claimed or charges made under any federal or state health care programwhich provides cost or charge based reimbursement to Customer for the items covered under this o ff er. Promotion void if a copy of the DHP invoice is not included with promotion redemption request. O ff ers cannot be combined unless invoice totals meet promotion criteria. All Redemption requests must be submi tt ed within 30 days of expiration date of o ff er. Please allow 4-6 weeks for goods to be delivered. Non-stock and RX items are not returnable, additional fees will apply. To receive your promotional goods, send an email to IntegraPromos@integralife.com. Include your complete shipping/contact information, product/quantity desired, along with your copy of your qualifying DHP invoices. Include promo code DHPcollQ1/2022 in the subject line.
* Redeemed goods must be of equal or lesser value of lowest priced purchased item. * Redemption invoices subject to veri fi cation by Integra Miltex. * Buy/Get promotion applies only to Integra Miltex products advertised in this ad unless otherwise noted.
Integra, the Integra logo, HeliCote, HeliPlug, HeliMend, HeliTape, and Miltex are registered trademarks of Integra LifeSciences Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. ©2022 Integra LifeSciences Corporation. All rights reserved. 0488744-1-EN 2022-01
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