DHP Equipment and Technology Catalog


Are you still buying bottled water?

The VistaPure ™ Water Puri fi cation System produces two grades of high-quality water in the stericenter, on-demand. • Eliminates the need to buy distilled water or own a distiller • Ensures high-quality water for dental bottles, ultrasonic cleaners, and the rinse cycle of compatible instrument washers • Connects directly to the city water supply for Eliminate the expense and inconvenience of purchasing and storing bottled water

For bottle systems:

Mounted faucet provides non-corrosive bottle-quality (hyper fi ltered) water for bottle systems. Nomore buying bottled water!

For autoclaves: Point-and-shoot wand makes fi lling sterilizers with autoclave-ready water a breeze. No more lifting heavy jugs of water!

easy, on-demand access to puri fi ed water • Low ongoing cost of system ownership • No electricity needed

All product names are trademarks of Crosstex International, Inc., a Cantel Medical Company, its af fi liates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. Marks not registered in all jurisdictions. © 2020 Crosstex International, Inc. DADV01445 Rev A 0220

(888) 276-7783


Please see your DHP Equipment Specialist for pricing and availability in your area.


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