DHP 2021-22 Catalog
with a fast sintering time, offering more efficiency in a single-visit appointment. Optimal blend of high strength and esthetics, with high flexural strength of 1000 MPa (fast fired). Designed to match the VITA Classical Shade Guide. Intro Kit Contains: 1 -A1 crown block, 2 -A2 crown blocks, 1 -A3 crown block and 1 -A2 bridge block. 760-69956 Kit ......................... $138.45 Bridge Blocks Contains: 3 -39mm blocks. A1 ........................................... 760-69949 A2 ........................................... 760-69950 A3 ........................................... 760-69951 A3.5 ........................................ 760-69952 B1 ........................................... 760-69953 C1 ........................................... 760-69954 D2 ........................................... 760-69955 Bleach..................................... 760-69948 Each ............................. $136.75 A1 ........................................... 760-69941 A2 ........................................... 760-69942 A3 ........................................... 760-69943 A3.5 ........................................ 760-69944 B1 ........................................... 760-69945 C1 ........................................... 760-69946 D2 ........................................... 760-69947 Bleach..................................... 760-69940 Each .............................. $134.95 CERASMART ® Universal - GCAmerica Provides unsurpassed physical properties and impact dispersion due to a fully homogeneous and evenly distributed nano ceramic network. Highest degree of elasticity, flexibility, strength, and breaking energy helps ensure the best mar- ginal integrity and high strength after bonding. Perfectly suited for posterior, anterior, inlay, onlay and implant restorations and enables minimum tooth reduction for minimally invasive restora- tions. Features include unmatched esthetics, milling accuracy, fastest mill time, and self-polish- ing properties. Tooth-colored and naturally opalescent nano ceramic material offers proper- ties that are almost identical to those of natural teeth. Size 12 - LowTranslucency (LT) A1 ........................................... 760-008658 A2 ........................................... 760-008659 A3 ........................................... 760-008660 A3.5 ........................................ 760-008661 B1............................................ 760-008662 5/pkg .............................. $150.25 Size 12 - HighTranslucency (HT) A1............................................ 760-008653 A2 ........................................... 760-008654 A3 ........................................... 760-008655 A3.5 ........................................ 760-008656 B1............................................ 760-008657 5/pkg .............................. $150.25 Crown Blocks Contains: 5 -20mm blocks.
Size 12 Bleach 760-008663
5/pkg ..................... $150.25
Size 14 - LowTranslucency (LT) AA1......................................... 760-008669 A2 ........................................... 760-008670 A3 ........................................... 760-008671 A3.5 ........................................ 760-008672 B1............................................ 760-008673 5/pkg .............................. $160.75 Size 14 - HighTranslucency (HT) A1............................................ 760-008664 A2 ........................................... 760-008665 A3 ........................................... 760-008666 A3.5. ....................................... 760-008667 B1............................................ 760-008668 5/pkg .............................. $160.75 Size 14L - LowTranslucency A1............................................ 760-008680 A2 ........................................... 760-008681 A3. .......................................... 760-008682 A3.5. ....................................... 760-008683 B1............................................ 760-008684 5/pkg .............................. $178.75 Size 14L - HighTranslucency A1............................................ 760-008675 A2 ........................................... 760-008676 A3 ........................................... 760-008677 A3.5. ....................................... 760-008678 B1............................................ 760-008679 5/pkg .............................. $178.75 Size 14 Bleach 760-008674 5/pkg ..................... $160.75
Support Peg Instant Firing Support - Keystone Industries Instant firing support by holding the crown or jacket in place. To use, simply fill the crown or jacket and insert the Support Peg syringe; no drying time is necessary. It will hold the crown in place for the entire firing process, and once com- plete, will crumble out with ease proving to be time saving yet efficient. Fires without any shrink- age or distortion of the structure when inside the furnace. For use with e.max and Lava crowns. Does not contaminate. 760-1009301 10cc .......................... $9.25
Scanspray - Renfert USA Maximum precision thanks to very thin layer application and homogenous grain size. Accu- rate edge representation. Undistorted surfaces. Optimal polygon count in the 3D model. 760-17310000 200ml ..................... $104.95
Size 14L Bleach 760-008685
5/pkg ..................... $178.75
Quick-Peg Custom Firing Peg -VITA NorthAmerica A paste that is squeezed into/onto the restora- tion, and placed onto the peg/firing tray. It dries quickly, holds the restoration in place during firing and is removed easily. It can be used with all- ceramic or porcelain-fused-to-metal-restorations. It can also be used for degassing and staining and glazing. Contains: 3 -10cc syringes. 760-A47320 Each....................... $52.25
GC Initial ® LRF BLOCK - GCAmerica Innovative leucite-reinforced feldspar ceramic block that offers the highest aesthetics of tradi- tional feldspathic porcelain with added flexural strength by adding the perfect combination of leucite ceramic. Leucite reinforcement of glass ceramic offers increased flexural strength and resistance against possible crack formations and chipping at the margins. The particle size and particle distribution of the leucite crystals contrib- ute to the aesthetic appearance as they reflect the incident light in nature the same way. High density, extremely smooth surface. Universal Size 12 - LowTranslucency (LT) A1 ........................................... 760-876554 A2 ........................................... 760-876560 A3. .......................................... 760-876566 A3.5 ........................................ 760-876572 B1............................................ 760-876578 5/pkg ............................... $113.45 Continued
3M ™ Zirconia Crown & Bridge Blocks - 3M Oral Care CAD/CAM zirconia block for the CEREC Speed- Fire furnace. Combines strength and esthetics
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