Continental 2015-2016 Catalog Updated

Images of Christ Available in linden wood or fiberglass, bronze or marble. Please inquire for prices.

RISEN CHRIST Model No. 280/29B 30ʼʼ, 36ʼʼ, 48ʼʼ, 54", 60ʼʼ or 72ʼʼ

CHRISTUS REX Model No. 112 48’’, 60’’, 72’’ or 96’’

Crucifix by Giotto Model No. 300/20 Size of Corpus 24’’ 48’’ Size of Cross 42’’ x 38’’ 78’’ x 71’’

RESURRECTION Model No. 100/34 36’’, 48’’ or 60’’

RISEN CHRIST Model No. 280/74 48’’ or 72”

WELCOMING CHRIST Model No. 280/70 72’’ , 96’’ or 144"


Prices F.O.B. Factory

Prices subject to change without notice.

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