Connective Issues Winter 2024 Now Accessible in More Than 25 LANGUAGES

We’ve made our website,, accessible in more than 25 languages. The new languages include: Afrikaans, Arabic, Bengali, Catalan, Chinese, Danish, Esperanto, Filipino, Hebrew, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Turkish, and Ukrainian. “It’s crucial that people can access

very much impacting and guiding individuals on their unique journeys.” In addition, several Marfan downloadable fact sheets are available in Spanish, Italian, French, and German. features:

• Resource library that sorts materials by conditions, format, audience, and language. • Expanded section on conditions related to Marfan syndrome. • Easy access to the website for the Foundation’s divisions: The VEDS Movement, Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Foundation, and GenTAC Alliance. “People with Marfan syndrome and other genetic aortic and vascular conditions and their family members rely on The Marfan Foundation for reliable, up-to-date information regardless of where in the world they live,” said Eileen

information in their own language, not just because it gives them the comfort of their own language but also for a greater sense of belonging and connection with

others sharing similar experiences,” said Ance Baura, of Latvia, who has Marfan syndrome and is a social media influencer (@mrs.marfelous) raising awareness about the condition. “Vital, life-saving information should be shared widely and readily accessible for all.” The language additions join our existing 12 website languages which include: Spanish, Italian, German, French, Dutch, Swedish, Portuguese, Suomi, Mandarin, Japanese, Hindi, and English. “Accessing medical information about Marfan syndrome in Spanish isn’t just about understanding a condition; it’s about unlocking the power to navigate life’s challenges,” said Betsy Matarrita, of Costa Rica, who has Marfan and serves on the Foundation’s Spanish-Language Planning Committee. “In the language of health, this knowledge becomes a lifeline,  AnceBaura

Novins-Masciale, Chief Global Business Development O ffi cer for the Foundation. “Increasing the availability of our website globally is an important step as we focus on supporting our international community.” The Foundation is o ff ering more multi-language programming in early 2024, including the Third Spanish Language Summit on January 20, 2024. Registration is free but required. Visit fundacion-marfan for more information and to register.


Winter 2024

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