Christmas Spirts Playbill 2018
Thanks for your Continued Support!
The cast and crew of the Bar Show would like to thank the following ODZ ¿UPV DQG RUJDQL]DWLRQV IRU WKHLU continued support:
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Larry Aaronson Ronald Balfour Carole Bellows
December, 2018
Dear CBA Members and Guests: Welcome to the CBA Bar Show, my favorite event of the year! For 95 years, the Bar Association has produced this show that is created, written, orchestrated, and performed entirely by law- yers–each and every one of them a credit to the Bar. , DWWHQGHG P\ ÀUVW %DU 6KRZ ZLWK P\ IDWKHU ZKHQ , ZDV LQ ODZ school in 1979, and I have not missed a show since. I now attend annually with my family, most of whom are lawyers, and all of whom are major fans of the show. Tonight, I am excited for the curtain to rise on my 40th consecutive Bar Show! Through the years, the Bar Show’s writers have used an incred- LEO\ ZLGH DQG WRWDOO\ XQÀOWHUHG OHQV LQ GHFLGLQJ ZKR RQ WKH national, state, and local stages are most deserving of a good ODPSRRQLQJ , DP FRQÀGHQW WKDW WKH HYHQWV RI WKLV SDVW \HDU KDYH SURYLGHG RXU ZULWHUV SOHQW\ RI PDWHULDO IRU D WHUULÀF VKRZ 7KH lawyers and judges who write and perform in the Bar Show re- PLQG XV RI WKH KXPDQ IRLEOHV WKDW FDQ DQG RIWHQ GR DIÁLFW VRPH of the most newsworthy personalities of our time. This year’s parody, “Big Little Laws,” is a classic “whodunnit” that will (perhaps not so closely) resemble the acclaimed HBO darkly comedic murder mystery series, based on the bestselling book by Liane Moriarty. Get ready for some big time fun as we enter the mysterious world of the 2018 Bar Show. And don’t be afraid to laugh out loud. I applaud the hard work of the production staff and the cast members. They have temporarily traded their “billable hours” for production and rehearsal hours. They are amazingly dedicated, creative, and talented. And now, as the lyrics to the iconic, show- stopping number “Junior Partners” go: the time has come when you should know just who these lawyers are… Enjoy the show. Sincerely,
Barbara A. Burns
Jacqueline Carroll Joanne R. Driscoll
Steven M. Elrod
Fred Lane
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McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert &
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Carissa J. Meyer David S. Miller John T. Mitchell Annette Moore
Rainell Rains Jay Schleppenbach Joseph L. Stone
Diana Vargo-Lewandowski Michael S. Weaver
Steven M. Elrod President, Chicago Bar Association
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