Christmas Spirts Playbill 2018

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Quarles & Brady is once again a proud sponsor of the Chicago Bar Association’s Annual Bar Show , and thrilled to support our colleague and cast member Lindsey Millman . Break a leg, Lindsey!

We are proud to support the Chicago Bar Association’s 95th Annual Bar Show, “Big Little Laws, a whodunnit!”

We congratulate the cast and crew on another entertaining performance!

Director and Choreographer .......................................................................................................................................................Marla Lampert Head Writers ....................................................................................................................................................... Cliff Berman and David Miller Writers.......................................................................................................................Amy Keller, Jay Schleppenbach, and Sally Pissetzky Steele Additional Material...............................................................................................Julian Frazin, Marla Lampert, Jeffrey Marks, and Rainell Rains Musical Director........................................................................................................................................................................... Rainell Rains Musical Conductor and Arranger ...............................................................................................................................................Brad Macdonald Costumes and Props....................Barbara Burns with Gina Reynolds, Ebony Smith, Mark Arnecilla, Diana Vargo-Lewandowski, and Millicent Willis Assistant Choreographer......................................................................................................................................................... Lindsey Millman Graphic And Video Design.......................................................................................................................................................... Larry Aaronson Scenic Design.......................................................................................................................................................................Angie Weber Miller Lighting Design ................................................................................................................................................................Jan Edmund Zabinski Stage Management ...............................................................................................................................................JEZ Production Services, Inc. Wig Design................................................................................................................................................................................. Kevin Barthel Playbill .................................................................................................................................................................Kathryn Kelly and Vita Levar Playbill Layout...............................................................................................................................................................................David Beam Playbill Photography ...................................................................................................................................................................... Bill Richert Road Show Coordinators ................................................................................................................................... Kathryn Kelly and Rainell Rains Social...........................................................................................................................................Danny Teinowitz, Jenny Jeltes, and Joe Moore Production Assistant..................................................................................................................................................................... Justin Haber Production Manager ......................................................................................................................................................................... Ellen Duff Executive Producer ......................................................................................................................................................................Jeffrey Marks

Thanks for your Continued Support!

The cast and crew of the Bar Show would like to thank the following ODZ ¿UPV DQG RUJDQL]DWLRQV IRU WKHLU continued support:

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Larry Aaronson Ronald Balfour Carole Bellows

December, 2018

Dear CBA Members and Guests: Welcome to the CBA Bar Show, my favorite event of the year! For 95 years, the Bar Association has produced this show that is created, written, orchestrated, and performed entirely by law- yers–each and every one of them a credit to the Bar. , DWWHQGHG P\ ÀUVW %DU 6KRZ ZLWK P\ IDWKHU ZKHQ , ZDV LQ ODZ school in 1979, and I have not missed a show since. I now attend annually with my family, most of whom are lawyers, and all of whom are major fans of the show. Tonight, I am excited for the curtain to rise on my 40th consecutive Bar Show! Through the years, the Bar Show’s writers have used an incred- LEO\ ZLGH DQG WRWDOO\ XQÀOWHUHG OHQV LQ GHFLGLQJ ZKR RQ WKH national, state, and local stages are most deserving of a good ODPSRRQLQJ , DP FRQÀGHQW WKDW WKH HYHQWV RI WKLV SDVW \HDU KDYH SURYLGHG RXU ZULWHUV SOHQW\ RI PDWHULDO IRU D WHUULÀF VKRZ 7KH lawyers and judges who write and perform in the Bar Show re- PLQG XV RI WKH KXPDQ IRLEOHV WKDW FDQ DQG RIWHQ GR DIÁLFW VRPH of the most newsworthy personalities of our time. This year’s parody, “Big Little Laws,” is a classic “whodunnit” that will (perhaps not so closely) resemble the acclaimed HBO darkly comedic murder mystery series, based on the bestselling book by Liane Moriarty. Get ready for some big time fun as we enter the mysterious world of the 2018 Bar Show. And don’t be afraid to laugh out loud. I applaud the hard work of the production staff and the cast members. They have temporarily traded their “billable hours” for production and rehearsal hours. They are amazingly dedicated, creative, and talented. And now, as the lyrics to the iconic, show- stopping number “Junior Partners” go: the time has come when you should know just who these lawyers are… Enjoy the show. Sincerely,


Barbara A. Burns


Jacqueline Carroll Joanne R. Driscoll


Steven M. Elrod




Fred Lane

-H൵UH\ 0 0DUNV

McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert &

%HUJKR൵ //3

Carissa J. Meyer David S. Miller John T. Mitchell Annette Moore



Rainell Rains Jay Schleppenbach Joseph L. Stone


Diana Vargo-Lewandowski Michael S. Weaver

Steven M. Elrod President, Chicago Bar Association




SDP&A is proud to support our attorney Kathryn Weber in her 8th appearance in the CBA Bar Show. Break a leg, Kathryn! With 70+ years of combined experience across our six attorneys, Scott D. Pollock & Associates, P.C. has received a rating of AV (very high to preeminent) from Martindale-Hubbell. The firm provides legal representation in the area of immigration and nationality law to businesses, individuals and organizations in the United States and abroad.

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Faegre Baker Daniels offers comprehensive legal and consulting solutions, ensuring that clients are never left wondering what’s in store.

Unraveling legal mysteries for more than 65 years, Vedder Price is proud to support the cast and crew of BIG LITTLE LAWS

Chi cago New Yo rk Wa s h i

t ng on, DC L ond on Sa n F rancis co Lo s A nge les S ingapo re




C ongratulations to Bar Show st a lwa r t Mi ke Weaver, winner of the Horse’s Ass Award for the best performance in last year’s Bar Show production. Mike’s convincing portrayal of President Donald J. Trump was authentic and masterful, and it came naturally for Mike. “Trump is almost too easy to play. He is virtually a caricature of himself, and you can’t really go over the top with him because there is no top.” Mike’s performance included scatting during the “Brotherhood of Fame” (Shame) musical parody and reading actual tweets from Number 45. Several of these tweets were projected onto an overhead

and announced that his Twitter password was the new nuclear code. Mike’s first role in the Bar Show was playing unsuccessful United States Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland singing “Music of the Night” (Right). Mike is grateful for all of the good new friends he has met in the Bar Show. “It is nice to meet lawyers with a sense of humor. You don’t encounter that every day. People in the Bar Show do not take themselves too seriously.” Mike ha s his sights set squarely on playing a ver y specific future role in the Bar Show. “As soon as humanly possible, I would like to play the individual who succeeds Donald J. Trump…though, of course, I will happily relinquish that honor if his successor is a woman or a person of color. Or both.” Mike has great respect and admiration for the history of the Bar Show. “It is very nice to be part of what is obviously a long and honored tradition. I have tremendous respect for what came before us, and what made the show what it has come to be.” Mike is Vice President of Legal Affairs for a company which owns and operates college student apartment complexes nationwide, and he appreciates that his job keeps him connected to many areas of business, law, and the interplay between the two. Mike is a native of Decatur, Illinois, and he received his undergraduate degree from The University of Illinois and his law degree from The University of Michigan. Mike and his wife, Maureen, reside in north suburban Chicago, and they are the very proud parents of daughters Alex and Molly.

Mike Weaver

screen during the performance of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” (Twitter). The audience absolutely loved the number, and it reached a crescendo when Mike (as President Trump) moved among the dancers

Previous Winners of the “Horse’s Ass” Award: 1945 E. Hershenson 1946 William Murphy

1980 Audrey G. Holzer 1981 Mary Lu Milano 1982 Morton John Barnard 1983 Joseph L. Stone 1984 Gary S. Saipe 1985 “Cats” 1986 Rainell Rains 1987 Sandie Stavropoulos 1988 Mary Jeane McNichols 1989 Clifford Berman 1990 Joel Daly 1991 Arthur H. Garwin 1992 June Brown 1993 Ann Levinson Penway 1994 Brian Gilomen 1995 Sonja R. Johnson 1996 Ernesto D. Borges, Jr. 1997 Loretto Kennedy 1998 Peter Bensinger 1999 Ruth Kaufman 2000 Bob Canel 2001 Marla Lampert 2002 Jeffrey Marks & Tappers 2003 Corey Berman 2004 Special Chorus 2005 Regina Scannicchio 2006 Richard Nagle 2007 Kevin Krantz 2008 The Accappellants 2009 LathamWilliams 2010 Tony Calzaretta 2011 Larry Aaronson 2012 Kathryn A.“Kate”Kelly 2013 Mark Arnecilla 2014 Joyce Wixson 2015 Nicole Peterson-Pearce 2016 Melissa Redondo

1947 J. B. Hermes 1948 John D. Black 1949 C. R. Sprowl 1949 J. A. Sprowl 1950 R. W. MacDonald 1951 M. Schaeffer 1952 C. G. Lind 1953 Fred Kecker 1954 P. R. Stevenson

1955 A. S. Cate 1956 Irma Fiala 1957 R. Baird 1957 A. Holloway

1957 N. Eaton 1958 G. Quilici 1959 Fred Lane 1960 The Singing Chorus 1963 J. W. Baer 1964 M. Holmes 1965 J. Danyluk 1967 E. Leonard Rubin 1968 John H. McDermott 1969 Julian J. Frazin 1970 Robert J. Nye 1971 Hugh A. Brodkey 1972 Phillip M. Citrin 1973 James Montgomery 1974 John E. Corkery 1975 Frank T. Steponate 1976 Irene M. Wojdyla 1977 Geoffrey A. Anderson 1978 Charles N. Goodnow 1979 Julia J. Nicholson 1961 Gene Davis 1962 R. F. Hanley


President Donald Trump (Mike Weaver) would rather not hear the words “you’re fired.”

To tweet or not to tweet? For President Trump (Mike Weaver) that is not a question. Vice President Mike Pence (Cliff Berman), Kellyanne Conway (Diana Vargo-Lewandowski), Donald Trump, Jr. (Dan Campbell), Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Kathryn Kelly), Jared Kushner (Curtiss Schreiber), and Ivanka Trump (Carissa Meyer) may or may not agree.



A fter 95 seasons, in a Bar Show first, Rainell Rains, the 2017 recipient of the Quilici Cup, is the only member of the Bar Show cast to be so honored for a second time. The Quilici Cup is awarded to the cast member who has gone above and beyond the call of duty and Rainell, with her many roles both on stage and off, has more than earned this honor twice over. Rainell first joined the cast in 1980, and after many years on stage, took some time off to be a wife and mother. She rejoined the cast in 2009 and became our indomitable music director two years later. She is a one-of-a-kind whirlwind, in charge of making sure the cast sounds good, assisting in obtaining sheet music and arrangements, serving as master of the script, and maintaining a dynamic casting list by voice and by character parts. She also is key in coordinating behind-the-scenes details for the annual road shows. On stage during last year’s show, Much to Sue About Nothing,

Bar Wars (2014), Rainell made her ewok costume and last year Shakespeare’s Juliet wore a Rainell Rains original. She also produced all the Shakespeare costumes for the road show performances. In fact, on a more personal note, Rainell recently made her daughter’s beautiful wedding dress. Rainell is equally remarkable in her professional life. She holds a double degree in voice performance and business from Carroll University in Milwaukee, and her law degree is from Notre Dame. Rainell does forensic accounting and management consulting with her husband’s accounting firm. When Rainell isn’t performing with the CBA Bar Show or working, she puts her vocal talents to good use as a cantor at the Shrine of All Saints (St. Martha’s) in Morton Grove. We are pleased to honor Rainell Rains a SECOND time with the Quilici Cup. She has absolutely earned this historic honor!

Rainell Rains

Rainell shone in her performance of “Duty and the Breach,” set to Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast,” paired with talented newcomer Chris Johnson. Rainell has had many notable parts over the years, including Mayor Jane Byrne, Sarah Palin, and Angela Merkel. Her favorite part of all time, however, was playing Mary Lou Retton in 1984. Her costume had massive thighs and was a great visual gag for the audience. Luckily for us, Rainell’s talents are more than musical– she is a lso a ver y ta lented seamstress and costumer. During

The 2017 Bar Show dancers would rather not break a leg.


Ms. Potts (Rainell Rains) has a beautiful solution for Chip’s (Chris Johnson) beast of a problem.

Previous Winners of the George L. Quilici Cup::

1969 John C. Tucker 1970 Walter Moses, Jr. 1971 Fred Lane 1972 Chloe Arlan 1973 Joseph L. Stone 1974 Gil Hennessy 1975 Nat Kahn 1976 Oscar Brotman 1977 Jim Dowdall 1978 Stan Zimmerman 1979 Amy Dickinson & Annette Eckert 1980 Allen Gabe 1981 Dean Trafelet 1982 Edith Reese 1983 Rainell Rains 1984 Evan B. Karnes, II 1985 Paul R. Sobol

1986 David H. Pauker 1987 John P. Coleman

2002 Larry Kay 2003 Brian Gilomen &

Regina Scannicchio

1988 Nandia Black 1989 Larry Novak 1990 Deborah J. Gubin 1991 "Favorite Sons" Dancers 1992 Sonja R. Johnson 1993 Corey S. Berman 1994 Tamara A. Tanzillo 1995 Jeffrey M. Marks 1996 Mary J. McNichols 1997 Julian J. Frazin & E. Leonard Rubin 1998 Male Dancing Chorus

2004 TomVigil 2005 Kevin Krantz and David Miller 2006 Brian Gilomen 2007 Sara Howard 2008 Art Garwin 2009 Larry Aaronson 2010 Gina Reynolds 2011 Cliff Berman & David Miller 2012 Emma Smoler 2013 Ellen Duff 2014 Millicent Willis 2015 Jay Schleppenbach 2016 Kathryn A. Kelly

1999 Richard Nagle 2000 Barbara Burns 2001 Diana Vargo- Lewandowski



K at h r y n Weber i s a n unsung hero both on and off the stage, which is why it comes as no surprise that she is this year’s winner of the Spear Carrier Award, which recognizes an unsung hero in the cast. Off the stage, Kathrynprotects the rights of immigrants and refugees as an attorney with Scott D. Pollock & Associates, P.C. On the stage for her eight years in the Bar Show, you may remember her in some of her favorite roles, which include playing Justice Sotomayor, one of the “forgotten sisters” as Pippa Middleton, and rattling off quick witted puns. Since joining the Bar Show she has also become a mom, twice, and enjoyed playing a pregnant woman accosting a mailman about the dysfunction of the U.S. Postal Service. Kathryn also enjoys the energetic group dance numbers of the Bar Show and loved sleepwalking in “Twitter,”

year law student at the University of Minnesota, yearning to do more theater, she joined a group of other law students who created and performed the University of Minnesota’s first law school musical, “The Wizard of Fritz.” She had never seen the Bar Show prior to auditioning, but feels “very lucky to have the opportunity to sing, dance, and have fun on stage to such a supportive audience.” Thankful for her Bar Show family and friends, she also wants to give “big hugs to my husband and two sons” for all of their love and support. The real reason she auditioned back in 2010? Her father had passed away just eight months after her wedding and she decided that “life’s too short to not do the things we dream of doing.” He may never have seen her dazzle in the Bar Show, but she knows he is with her on stage every night. Kathryn is truly a star in our eyes!

Kathryn Weber

exercising in “Fitness Junk,” and partying with the Obamas in “Shut Up and Dance.” Growing up in Milwaukee, Kathryn’s parents instilled in her a love of theater from an early age. She described herself as “always drawn to acting,” and she participated in band, choir, and even had a “brief stint” performing in her husband’s (then boyfriend’s) band. She received undergraduate degrees in French and International Studies from Marquette University. As a third-

Previous Winners of the “Spear Carrier” Award:

Editors Kathryn Kelly Vita Levar Additional Material Sharon Cruz, Kathryn Kelly, Vita Levar, Carissa Meyer, Jay Schleppenbach, Danny Teinowitz 3XEOLFDWLRQV 'LUHFWRU David Beam Cover Design Larry Aaronson 3KRWRJUDSKHU

1972 Nat Kahn 1973 George Gale 1974 Harry Daley 1975 Len Kravets 1976 Henry Synek 1977 Al LaPlante 1978 John P. Coleman 1981 Douglas S. Keyt 1982 Bernard T. Martin 1983 Marvin Juron 1984 Holland C. Capper 1985 Thomas R. Vigil 1986 Howard B. Rockman 1987 J. Warren Whitesel 1988 Thomas W. Tolpin 1989 Eugene R. Propp 1990 Marti Liftin 1991 David H. Pauker 1992 Joseph A. La Gioia 1993 Reena Juron-Schiffman 1994 Ari Rosenthal 1979 Paul Sobol 1980 Allen Gabe

1995 Regina A. Scannicchio 1996 Moira S. Johnson 1997 Barbara Burns 1998 Sally Saber Lane 1999 Danny Teinowitz 2000 Nathan G. Brenner Jr. 2001 Chloe Arlan

2002 Joseph Stone 2003 James Dowdall 2004 Edith Reese 2005 Sara Howard 2006 Bob Nye 2007 Marie Lona 2008 Anndra Masters 2009 Sandy Andina 2010 Harvey Shiffrin 2011 Ellen Duff 2012 Mark Arnecilla 2013 Joyce Wixson 2014 Marc Augustave 2015 Jenny Jeltes 2016 Julia Riley Davila

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Pippa Middleton (Kathryn R. Weber) fascinates in her fascinator.



The 2017 Julie Award winner: The Womb Where It Happens Ensemble

Show director and choreographer Marla Lampert providing an inventive, eye-catching staging. And this year’s Quilici Cup winner Rainell Rains brought her usual level of dedication and talent to musically directing this talented crew. Audiences seemed to respond. “It was shocking for me to finish the rap intro and sing the first line only to have audience members (sounded like women) shout in support of the lyrics,” Kate recalled. “Kudos to Cliff!” And kudos to the entire “The Womb Where It Happens” ensemble, winners of the 2017 Julie award!

J o i n i n g K a t e i n t h a t collaboration were Sandy Andina, Kate Bowen, Laura Buchanan, Ellen Duff, Jenny Jeltes, Caitlin Maly, Mghnon Martin, Carissa Meyer, Gina Reynolds, Diana Vargo-Lewandowski, Hillary Weigle, Millicent Willis, and Joyce Wixson, who rapped and sang in character as women’s rights activists lamenting how “only men were in the room where it happened” when the “diabolically composed bros” of the Trump administration “cut off our funding from the Feds, dead!” Bar Show co-head writer Cliff Berman penned the spot-on parody of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s rapid-fire original lyrics, with Bar

2017 was in many ways a banner year for the women of America. In January, women’s marches were held nationwide, and in June Wonder Woman stormed the box office. And in December, this year’s Julie Award winner for best production number in the Bar Show, “The Womb Where It Happens,” brought an amazing group of talented women to the stage with a message of female strength and empowerment. The Julie Award, named for long-time writer Julian Frazen, recognizes the best ensemble number of the show. “The number was truly a collaboration, both vocally and in the staging,” said Kate Kelly, who sang lead vocals as Planned Parenthood CEOCecile Richards. “What a treat to perform a fabulous song from Hamilton , rap for the first time on stage, and be a part of that talented group.”

2013 Ding Dong Chorus 2014 Ring Time for Cutler Chorus 2015 We’re Out of Money Chorus 2016 Fitness Junk Previous Winners of the “Julie” Award:



Our dear friend and castmate, Joe La Gioia, passed away in October. Joe was part of the Bar Show for many, many years.

We will miss our favorite bartender very much!

Joe La Gioia (1941-2018) in his favorite role as “Joe the Bartender”

Cabinet members Hillary Weigle, Vice President Mike Pence (Cliff Berman), Millicent Willis, Ron Balfour, Danny Teinowitz, Eleanor Oh, and Gina Reynolds fall in line.



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Cliff Berman ....................................Cliff Berman David Miller.....................................David Miller Producer.......................................... Jeffrey Marks Ellen.....................................................Ellen Duff Sherlock Holmes ...........................Dan Campbell Inspector Clouseau.......................Larry Aaronson Studio Reporter...........................Ebony C. Smith Pyongyang Reporter.......................... Kate Bowen D.C. Reporter ........................ Georgette Greenlee Donald Trump ................................ Mike Weaver Kim Jong-Un ....................................Ron Balfour Leila ............................................... Sandy Andina Zeina................................................ Sharon Cruz Moderator....................................Millicent Willis Fox Reporters ........................ Kathryn Weber and Valerie Raedy Justice Sotomayor............................. Sharon Cruz Justice Kagan......................... Brienne Letourneau Justice Kavanaugh .........................Dan Campbell Justice Ginsberg .............................. Rainell Rains Law Clerk .....................................Mark Arnecilla Aide ................................................... Amy Keller Mikie Sherrill .................................. Julie Koerner Ilhan Omar ............................ Georgette Greenlee Lauren Underwood .....................Ebony C. Smith Lisa Murkowski.............................. Kathryn Kelly Nancy Pelosi................................. Kathryn Weber

Paul Ryan (Kevin Krantz) says “that’s life!”

Maxine Waters ............................. Annette Moore Man ..............................................Mark Arnecilla Siris.............Amy Keller and Sally Pissetzky Steele Alexa ......................................... Lindsey Millman Senate Reporter......................... Danny Teinowitz Mark Zuckerberg .................... Jay Schleppenbach Shaggy............................................Chris Johnson Velma............................................. Carissa Meyer Scooby Doo ...................................... Kate Bowen Paul Vallas .........................................Ron Balfour Susana Mendoza................... Sally Pissetzky Steele Lori Lightfoot ......... Nyshana K. Sumner-Dowlen Garry McCarthy...............................Cliff Berman Toni Preckwinkle........................ Mghnon Martin

J.B. Pritzker (Stan Slovin), Chris Kennedy (Tony Calzaretta), and Bruce Rauner (David Miller) are off to the (governor’s) races.


Bill Daley ........................................ Jeffrey Marks Rahm Emanuel ............................Larry Aaronson Mary Jane........................................Valerie Raedy Roland ...............................Frederick J. Joseph III Banker..............................................David Miller Macron ..........................................Chris Johnson May................................................. Joyce Wixson Merkel............................................ Sandy Andina Trudeau.........................................Dan Campbell Oompa Loompas ............................ Ron Balfour, Kate Bowen, Sharon Cruz, Jenny Jeltes, Brienne Letourneau, and Carissa Meyer Sean Hannity ......................................Dick Salon Stormy Daniels......................... Jacqueline Carroll Stephen Colbert ...............................David Miller Michael Cohen.......................... Danny Teinowitz Fred...................................................... Fred Lane Joe......................................................... Joe Stone Andy Cohen....................................Peter J. Hegel Housewives ........................... Georgette Greenlee, Food Channel Host...................... Kathryn Weber Avocado .......................................... Rainell Rains Arugula ............ Dick Salon and Danny Teinowitz Lettuce ...........................................Chris Johnson Asparagus .............................................Ellen Duff Kale...............................................Mark Arnecilla Waiting Rat........................... Brienne Letourneau Dinner Rats...............Jenny Jeltes and Amy Keller Brisco..................................................Dick Salon Columbo................................... Danny Teinowitz Hugo................................................David Miller Nathan............................................ Joyce Wixson Jessica Fletcher ...............................Barbara Burns Roseanne Barr ................................ Carissa Meyer Matt Lauer ...................................... Jeffrey Marks J.B. Pritzker..........................................Joe Moore Player ............................................Dan Campbell Fan................................................ Stacy Freeman Plastic Straw.................................Millicent Willis Omarosa Manigault ............... Georgette Greenlee Rudy Giuliani ......................... Jay Schleppenbach Alan Dershowitz............................ L. Steven Platt Elizabeth Warren............................ Kathryn Kelly Jim Acosta.......................................Peter J. Hegel Brienne Letourneau, Amy Keller, Hillary Weigle, Kandice Coleman, and Sally Pissetzky Steele

Jacqueline Carroll is proud as a peacock to report from the White House.

White House Reporters.............Carter Isham and Nyshana K. Sumner-Dowlen Sarah Sanders ..................................Nicole Pearce Lindsey Graham...........................Larry Aaronson Susan Collins.............. Diana Vargo-Lewandowski Mike Pence..........................................Dick Salon Paul Ryan.......................................Chris Johnson Melania Trump..................... Sally Pissetzky Steele Ivanka Trump.................. Melissa Maria Redondo

Ladies with attitude Senator Elizabeth Warren (Julie M. Koerner), U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (Ebony Smith), and Senator Susan Collins (Brienne Letourneau) stand on their own.



A MUSICAL Cliff Berman, David Miller, Ron Balfour, Julie Koerner, and Valerie Raedy with The Company SUMMER LOVIN’ Ron Balfour and Mike Weaver with Mark Arnecilla, Kate Bowen, Jacqueline Carroll, Stacy Freeman, Georgette Greenlee, Peter J. Hegel, Carter Isham, Julie Koerner, Annette Moore, and Diana Vargo- Lewandowski RUSSIAN ROULETTE Cliff Berman with Larry Aaronson, Kandice Cole- man, Frederick J. Joseph III, Mghnon Martin, Nicole Pearce, Valerie Raedy, Jay Schleppenbach, Nyshana K. Sumner-Dowlen, Mike Weaver, Kathryn Weber, and Joyce Wixson WHAT A WASTE Dan Campbell HOLD ON Sharon Cruz, Brienne Letourneau, and Rainell Rains MIDTERMS MEDLEY Georgette Greenlee, Julie Koerner, and Ebony C. Smith with Sandy Andina, Kate Bowen, Jacqueline Carroll, Kandice Coleman, Stacy Freeman, Carter Isham, Jenny Jeltes, Amy Keller, Brienne Letour- neau, Mghnon Martin, Carissa Meyer, Lindsey Millman, Valerie Raedy, Melissa Maria Redondo, Nyshana K. Sumner-Dowlen, Millicent Willis, and Diana Vargo-Lewandowski THE MIDDLE Kathryn Kelly, Annette Moore, and Kathryn Weber

NATURAL WOMAN Lindsey Millman with Mark Arnecilla, Amy Keller,

and Sally Pissetzky Steele GETTING TO KNOW YOU

Jay Schleppenbach with Sandy Andina, Barbara Burns, Ellen Duff, David Miller, Joe Moore, L. Steven Platt, Rainell Rains, Dick Salon, Millicent Willis, and Joyce Wixson ACCUSTOMED TO MY FACE Jeffrey Marks TAKE A CHANCE Ron Balfour, Cliff Berman, Jeffrey Marks, Mghnon Martin, Sally Pissetzky Steele, and Nyshana K. Frederick J. Joseph III and Valerie Raedy with Ellen Duff, Peter J. Hegel, Stacy Freeman, Kathryn Kelly, Joe Moore, Nicole Pearce, Jay Schleppenbach, and Kathryn Weber THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED Sandy Andina, Dan Campbell, Chris Johnson, and Joyce Wixson THE CANDY MAN Dick Salon with Ron Balfour, Kate Bowen, Sharon Cruz, Jenny Jeltes, Brienne Letourneau, and Carissa Meyer HUSH LITTLE BABY Danny Teinowitz I’VE GOT A GOLDEN TICKET Jacqueline Carroll and David Miller PURE IMAGINATION Mike Weaver BEAUTY SCHOOL DROP OUT Peter J. Hegel with Kandice Coleman, Georgette Greenlee, Amy Keller, Brienne Letourneau, Sally Pissetzky Steele, and Hillary Weigel VEGGIE MEDLEY Rainell Rains, Dick Salon, Danny Teinowitz, Chris Johnson, Ellen Duff, and Mark Arnecilla OH RATS! Brienne Letourneau, Nicole Pearce, Carter Isham, and Kathryn Kelly with The Company THE USUAL SUSPECTS Carissa Meyer, Jeffrey Marks, Joe Moore, Dan Camp- Sumner-Dowlen MAMMA MIA Larry Aaronson with The Company MAKE OUR GARDEN GROW

Wonder Woman (Melissa Redondo) is a super hero to women everywhere.


bell, Stacy Freeman, Millicent Willis, Georgette Greenlee, Jay Schleppenbach, L. Steven Platt, and Kathryn Kelly AND I’M TELLING YOU Nicole Pearce FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD Larry Aaronson, Dick Salon, and Diana Vargo- Lewandowski IF I ONLY HAD A BRAIN Chris Johnson SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW

Sally Pissetzky Steele THE WIZARD AND I Melissa Maria Redondo RAISE YOU UP/JUST BE

Mghnon Martin, Joe Moore, Dan Campbell, Kathryn Kelly, Cliff Berman, David Miller, Larry Aaronson, and Mike Weaver with The Company

Russian collusion? Robert Mueller (Jeffrey Marks) says “Da!”


Frederick J. Joseph III $P\ .HOOHU

Valerie Raedy Rainell Rains Melissa Maria Redondo Dick Salon Jay Schleppenbach (ERQ\ & 6PLWK 1\VKDQD . 6XPQHU 'RZOHQ

Larry Aaronson Sandy Andina Mark Arnecilla

Carissa Meyer David Miller /LQGVH\ 0LOOPDQ Annette Moore Joe Moore 1LFROH 3HDUFH 6DOO\ 3LVVHW]N\ Steele / 6WHYHQ 3ODWW



Diana Vargo- Lewandowski Mike Weaver .DWKU\Q :HEHU Hillary Weigle Millicent Willis Joyce Wixson




Ron Balfour &OL൵ %HUPDQ



Georgette Greenlee 3HWHU - +HJHO



Letourneau -H൵UH\ 0DUNV Mghnon Martin

Barbara Burns 'DQ &DPSEHOO Jacqueline Carroll


Jenny Jeltes Chris Johnson


Brad Macdonald

Conductor/ Keyboards

Andrew Lawrence


Brandon Hunt




Zack Marks


Forgotten sisters Tiffany Trump (Valerie Raedy), Pippa Middleton (Kathryn R. Weber), and Kourtney Kardashian (Lindsey Millman) give a memorable performance.


THE THEATRE SCHOOL CONTEMPORARY PLAYS, CLASSICS AND NEW WORK CBA Members: Community Partner Discount to plays at The Theatre School at DePaul University! CBA Discount Ticket Price: $12

In the Watts Theatre

In the Healy Theatre

A Dybbuk or Between Two Worlds by S. Ansky adapted by Tony Kushner translated from Yiddish by Joachim Neugroschel directed by Jeremy Aluma February 15 - 24, 2019 Oresteia by Aeschylus adapted by Robert Icke directed by April Cleveland May 3 - 12, 2019

Water by the Spoonful by Quiara Alegría Hudes directed byMelanie Queponds February 1 - 10, 2019 Honey Girls by Grace Grindell directed by Carlos Murillo May 17 - 26, 2019

ER[ RIÀFH 773.325.7900

at The Theatre School 2350 N. Racine, Chicago IL, 60614

Jeff Mills, Artistic Director


CBA Discount Ticket Price: $10

Go, Dog. Go! story by P.D. Eastman adapted by Allison Gregory & Steven Dietz

Jane of the Jungle book and lyrics by Karen Zacarías music by Deborah Wicks La Puma directed by Michelle Lopez-Rios April 18 - May 25, 2019

music by Michael Koerner directed by Kristina Fluty January 17 - February 23, 2019

ER[ RIÀFH 312.922.1999

more at

THE FUTURE OF AMERICA’S THEATRE at DePaul’s Merle Reskin Theatre 60 E. Balbo Drive, Chicago IL, 60605



REGULAR BOX OFFICE HOURS Noon – 4 p.m. at The Theatre School

PERFORMANCE BOX OFFICE HOURS Evening performance days: Open until 8 p.m. Saturday matinee days: - 2:30 p.m. Sunday matinee days: - 2:30 p.m.

NO SMOKING In compliance with the City of Chicago Clean Air Ordinance, smoking is prohibited in the Merle Reskin Theatre. We appreciate your cooperation.


Please do not use the above listed items in the theatre. Patrons with electronic pagers or cellular telephones are asked to either turn off their equipment in the theatre or check them with the House Manager prior to curtain. We discourage text messaging during the performance. The light from the screen can bother other patrons. We allow photographs to be taken before and after but never during the performance. You may also check cameras and recording equipment with the House Manager who will secure them until final curtain. As a special favor, we ask that young people do not chew gum. Water fountains are located in the lower lobby and in the lobbies of the mezzanine and balcony. RESTROOMS Restrooms are located in the lower lobby, the mezzanine, and balcony. An accessible restroom is located on the main floor inside of the theatre. LOST AND FOUND If you find an item or have lost an item, please contact the House Manager. You may also call (773) 325-7968 the next day to determine if an item has been found. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE CALLS Patrons with electronic pagers are requested to either turn off their pagers in the theatre or check them with the House Manager prior to showtime. Should you need to give an emergency telephone number where you can be reached during a performance, please alert the House Manager of your seat location and give the Box Office telephone number for emergencies, (312) 922-1999. After Box Office hours, use (773) 325-7968 as an emergency number. PARKING ARRANGEMENTS We have arrangements with two parking lots: Multi-Park, 635 S. Wabash at Balbo, and LAZ Parking, One East 8th Street at State. Please ask the Box Office for details about rates and payment. SENNHEISER INFRA-RED LISTENING SYSTEM We require the security deposit of a driver’s license or other identification during the performance. The I.D. will be returned when you return the headset.

LARGE PRINT PROGRAMS You may request a large print program from the ticket taker or the House Manager.

SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETING Selected performances at the Merle Reskin Theatre will be interpreted in American Sign Language. Call the Box Office or see the website for the schedule.


The Theatre School at DePaul University

The Chicago Bar Association CLE in Jerusalem, Israel March 30-April 5, 2019

Join us! A trip agenda, travel information, and registration packet for CLE in Israel 2019 can be found at Israel2019. Questions? Call 312/554-2057.


This summer, we set the record for a jury verdict under the Illinois Nursing Home Care Act when we achieved a $4.1 million result for our client, surpassing the previous record set by our firm in 2006 of $2.9 million. Although we are proud of these results and our reputation in handling nursing home cases, our results in other serious injury, accident, and medical malpractice matters should not be overlooked. We routinely obtain substantial results in medical malpractice matters and other personal injury matters. Recently we achieved a $9 million-dollar medical malpractice birth injury settlement. We have also set the Illinois record for the largest Jones Act settlement of $7.5 million for an injured boat worker.


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³7KH WLPH KDV FRPH ZKHQ \RX VKRXOG NQRZ just who these lawyers are. 7KH\ UH HDFK DQG HYHU\ RQH RI WKHP a credit to the bar.”



K ate is just happy to be here. She’s come a long way from her shy take on the role of the month “November” in grade school. An avid theater fan, she lived out her high school musical dreams by splitting time between sports (scoring 42 points in a single basketball game) and performance (an enthusiastic supporting role in Oklahoma!). Kate had no idea that so many other lawyers were wanna-be performers. She’s still in awe of the immense talent and camaraderie of the Bar Show cast.

moving to Chicago, she studied improv at The Second City and iO Theater. Kate largely credits this robust education in earning her the coveted role of Associate General Counsel at Avant. Perh aps K ate’s g re ate st performance was the first dance at her wedding, co-starring a fellow Bar Show cast member turned husband. In fact, the two first met at their Bar Show audition. In Kate’s own words: “It’s the role

Kate Bowen

of a lifetime!” Kate is a proud double Illini, graduating from the University of Illinois with a B.S. and J.D. After

Sleepless wives Joyce Wixson, Ellen Duff, Sandy Andina, and Millicent Willis dream of catching some zzz’s.


Sheryl Sandberg (Amy Keller), Malala Yousafzai (Sharon Cruz), and Serena Williams (Ebony Smith) leaned in and aced it.

Congratulations to the Cast, Crew and Production Staff of the 2018 CHICAGO BAR SHOW BREAK A LEG AND WAY TO GO ON AN AWESOME SHOW!

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D an uses the Bar Show as a way to scratch his musical itch. This small-town Missouri farm boy hadn’t performed since college, but he was reminiscing one day about what a reprise of his star role playing Charlie Brown in “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown” might look like–would that kite finally fly? He then stumbled across the CBA Bar Show and decided to audition. At the audition he chatted with another bright-eyed and star-crossed auditioning

married in 2018. Dan can be seen in any number that requires a Bar Show cast member to rap. He brings to the show marginal talent and absolutely no formal training. That said, he has a lot of energy and sometimes you just need energy off the bench. Dan is a sixth-year commercial litigator at McDermott Will & Emery and a proud alumnus of the University of Illinois College of Law and the University of Missouri (Go Tigers!).

lawyer. They both joined the Bar Show the following year, but more importantly, they fell in love and Dan Campbell

Angela Merkel (Sandy Andina), Emmanuel Macron (Larry Aaronson), Justin Trudeau (Dan Campbell), and Theresa May (Joyce Wixson) consider a new tourist destination, eh?



M ghnon has been a part of the Bar Show since 2016. She has a Bachelor’s of Music in Music Business and Entertainment Industries from the University of Miami, where she was a violin principal and jazz vocal secondary. She continues to sing professionally and has produced, toured, and performed internationally in places like New York City, Guadalajara, Nashville, Shanghai, and Orlando. Notable past roles include Asaka (Once on

blind” Romeo and Juliet). Mghnon graduated from The John Marshall Law School in 2015 and started her own legal consulting business. She has been a law clerk to the Hon. Judge Diane M. Shelley in the Circuit Court of Cook County and currently serves as a judicial law clerk to the Hon. Justice Shelvin L.M. Hall in the Illinois Appellate Court. She knew from the first rehearsal that she’d found a new musical family and would like to thank her actual family for their support.

This Island), Chiffon (Little Shop of Horrors), and Romeo (a “gender Mghnon Martin

Rahm Emanuel (Larry Aaronson) finds Toni Preckwinkle (Mghnon Martin) taxing.



L ike many kids from the “Region” in Northwest Indiana, Joe Moore grew up playing every sport under the sun, but he secretly loved to sing. With a little encouragement, the passion was uncovered. Joe auditioned for the competitive show choir and competed around the country with Merrillville High School VocalTeens. At Northwestern University he helped form the now famous men’s acapella group, “The Freshman Fifteen.” Later Joe performed in barbershop quartets and as part of the Chicago Metro Men’s chorus. In his first year

seek ing bathroom equa lit y. Joe has also written numerous parodies for the cast’s “rookie show” and works on the social committee to make sure everyone has a good time when the curtains close. Offstage, Joe, a graduate of Chicago-Kent College of Law, works as a catastrophic defense attorney at Patton & Ryan. Joe is thankful to his parents, sister, girlfriend, and many close friends who have supported his musical talents. He now works to pass along his love of singing to his nephews, Ryan and Ethan.

Joe Moore

of the Bar Show, Joe was cast as Frankenstein in Young, Frank, and Stein, and has since appeared as Jack Brickhouse, Chris Christie, and a lost Star Trek Klingon

This year Fred Lane celebrates an unbelievable 65 years in the Bar Show! He often shares the stage with his straight man, Joe Stone, who has been in the show for a remarkable 56 years! We congratulate Fred and Joe–true Bar Show treasures!

Joe Stone and Fred Lane



D ick is proud and excited to be appearing in his 3rd consecutive Bar Show. In addition to having been a criminal defense attorney for the last 41 years, Dick has also pursued a career in theater, film, on-camera television/internet commercials, and photo print. Dick has performed in over 75 musical and non-musical stage productions throughout the Chicagoland area over the last 28 years. Some favorite roles include Tevye (Fiddler on the Roof ), Warbucks (Annie),

(The Philadelphia Story), and Juror #12 (Twelve Angry Men). Dick has been seen in television and internet commercials for Rivers Casino, Pine Sol, Weather Tech, Xerox, and Hylomar Automotive. His appearances in feature-length indy films include roles in “This Town,” “Autumn,” “Wrigley Bums,” and “Second Moon.” Dick is honored to work with such a talented cast, crew, and production staff. He sends his love and thanks for constant support to his bae, Lois.

Luther Billis (South Pacific), Ali Hakim (Oklahoma!), Sidney (California Suite), Mike Connor Dick Salon


The Bar Show is a Real Cast of Characters!

Learn more about the talented singers, dancers, and actors (who just happen to be legal professionals by day) appearing in this year’s Bar Show at BarShowCast

Google guys want girls gone from their group.


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