Christmas Spirts Playbill 2017

CBA ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE CHAIRS 1924 John D. Black Christmas Spirits 1925 Edwin C. Austin A Yuletide Skit in One Seance 1926 Edwin C. Austin Christmas Spirits 1926 1927 Edwin C. Austin Christmas Spirits 1927 (UQHVW 3DOPHU Christmas Spirits 1928 1929 Franklin E. Vaughan Christmas Spirits 1929 1930 George W. Swain Crime and Punishment +ROPDQ ' 3HWWLERQH Christmas Spirits 1931 1932 Henry G. Miller Christmas Spirits 1932 1933 John R. Heath Eagle Feathers 1934 Don Kenneth Jones Christmas Spirits 1934 1935 Ralph D. Shanesy Christmas Spirits 1935 1936 Ralph D. Shanesy Christmas Spirits 1936 1937 Warren D. Buckley Christmas Spirits 1937 1938 Warren D. Buckley All This and Heaven Too 1939 Cranston Spray The Trial of a Lawsuit 1940 Chester R. Davis Lawyer Get Your Gun 1941 Thomas R. Mulroy Her Day in Court 1942 L. Duncan Lloyd Injudicious Judgments 1943 L. Duncan Lloyd Lawyers on Parade 3UHVVO\ / 6WHYHQVRQ Briefs and Brevities 1945 Thomas J. Underwood What’s Cookin? 1946 John Jones Sharon State of Confusion 1947 Charles R. Sprowl Legal Tinder 1948 Allen D. Holloway Win, Place and Show 1949 Edwin R. Eckersall Corpus Delicious 1950 William H. Murphy Aisle Appeal 1951 Norman B. Eaton Seizins Greetings 1952 Gene C. Davis Knee Plus Ultra 1953 Russel M. Baird Ex-Parte Girl 1954 Arlindo S. Cate Executive Sweetie 9HUQRQ $ 3HWHUVRQ Script Tease 1956 Robt. W. MacDonald Pre-Legal Daze 1957 Edward Hershenson Magna Carta 1958 Robt. F. Gudmundsen Judicial Revue 1959 Farrington B. Kinne Sic-Sic-Sic 1960 Robert F. Hanley Orlando’s Hideaway 1961 Melvin C. Holmes Dial M for Merger 1962 Richard G. Kahn 7KH 2ৼHQGHUV 1963 Fred Lane Ham-a-Lot 1964 Gilbert H. Hennessy, Jr. Urbane Renewal &KDUOHV + 6FKRO¿HOG Pick-Nik-Capers 1966 Robert Jay Nye Tenets, Anyone? 1967 John H. McDermott A Man for All Seisens 1968 Graham E. Heniken Dock-et To Me 1969 Royce Glenn Rowe Heir 1970 Joseph L. Stone The Boys in the Bar 3KLOOLS 0 &LWULQ New Phases of 1971 1972 James R. Dowdall The Bench Connection -XOLDQ - )UD]LQ Planet of the Tapes 1974 E. Leonard Rubin The Joy of Lex 1975 J. Timothy Ritchie Laws 1976 Joseph Winslow Baer A Chorus Lien 1977 Leonard Kravets Bar Wars 1978 Howard I. Wittenberg Supermandamus 1979 Dean M. Trafelet Draculaw 1980 John E. Corkery Bar-Numb *HR൵UH\ $ $QGHUVRQ 42nd Ward 1982 Charles N. Goodnow The Best Little Shelter in Taxes 1983 Nathan G. Brenner, Jr. 7KH :ULW 6WXৼ 1984 Chloe Arlan Where’s the Brief? 1985 Stanley Zimmerman Return of Halley’s Comity 1986 Frank T. Steponate Legal Egos 1987 Frederic S. Lane Lex Miserables 1988 Gary S. Saipe The Phantom of the Bar Show 1989 Amy T. Dickinson 2HGL¿FH /H[ 1990 Evan B. Karnes, II Dictum Tracy 1991 Chester R. Davis City of Angles 1992 Mary J. McNichols Beauty and the Brief 1993 Brian R. Gilomen Juristic Park -H൵UH\ 0 0DUNV The Lien King 1995 Sonja R. Johnson How to Succeed in the Law Business Without Really Trying Cases 1996 Allen S. Gabe 101 Dull Motions 1997 Arthur H. Garwin Men (& Women) in Black 1DQGLD 3 %ODFN Gagtime 1999 Robert Canel Virtual Legality &OL൵RUG %HUPDQ 2001: A Case Odyssey 2001 Corey Berman The Document Producers 2002 Loretto Kennedy Bar Wars, Episode II 2003 Edith Reese hearsay 2004 Richard L. Nagle The Associate 2005 'DQQ\ 7HLQRZLW] Scamalot 2006 Keri-Lyn Krafthefer King Tort 2007 Diana Vargo-Lewandowski Young Frank & Stein LLP 2008 Larry H. Aaronson Jury Boys 2009 Kathryn A. Kelly I’m A Lawyer: Get Me Out of Here! 2010 Richard J. Vittenson Plea 2011 .HYLQ .UDQW] LawLawPalooza 2012 David Miller Lawpocalypse Now 2013 Ruth Kaufman THE MERRY OLD LAND OF LAWz 2014 Stan Slovin Bar Wars Episode 6.5: The Phantom Museum 2015 -H൵UH\ 0DUNV DQG .HYLQ .UDQW] A Christmas Quarrel 2016 -H൵UH\ 0DUNV DQG .HYLQ .UDQW] This Case is a Shamilton 2017 -H൵UH\ 0DUNV DQG .HYLQ .UDQW] Much to Sue About Nothing

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