CBA Record September-October 2023


monetary contributions made. Pro bono legal service is defined as:

According to the Committee Com ment to the Rule, the Special Supreme Court Committee on Pro Bono Publico Legal Service “recognized the vast unmet and burgeoning legal needs of persons of limited means in Illinois, and the unique role that lawyers play in providing greater access to these critical legal services.” The reporting requirement was designed to “serve as an annual reminder to the law yers of Illinois that pro bono legal service is an integral part of a lawyer’s profession alism.” (Ill. S. Ct. R. 756) With the spirit of Rule 756(f) in mind, the YLS looks forward to provid ing a variety of pro bono opportunities for the 2023-2024 bar year. Some nota ble returning programs include the Dear Santa Letter Campaign, Serving Our Seniors, Lawyers in the Classroom, and Law Student Practice Tracks. In Octo ber, working alongside the CBA and Chicago Bar Foundation, the YLS will

co-host Pro Bono Week. In addition to popular programs such as the YLS Pro Bono and Community Service Fair, we anticipate offering some new opportuni ties including providing criminal records relief, partnering with local policy debate organizations, and packing lunches for residents experiencing homelessness. We are excited to offer these programs and to help provide critical legal assistance to some of Chicagoland’s most under-served and marginalized residents. The upcoming year features a vast slate of networking and pro bono opportuni ties for YLS members. We offer many opportunities to get involved with the YLS, the broader CBA, and other bar associations to engage in pro bono work to assist and empower your respective communities. Please visit www.chica or follow us on social media for news of upcoming events.

(1) Pro bono legal service includes the delivery of legal services or the pro vision of training without charge or expectation of a fee, as defined in the following subparagraphs: (a) legal services rendered to a person of limited means; (b) legal services to charitable, religious, civic, community, governmental or educational organizations in matters designed to address the needs of per sons of limited means; (c) legal services to charitable, religious, civil or community organizations in matters in furtherance of their organi zational purposes; and (d) training intended to benefit legal service organizations or lawyers who provide pro bono services. (Ill. S. Ct. R. 756(f).)


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