CBA Record September-October 2023

Justice Thomas L. Kilbride Public Service Award

Kimball R. Anderson and Karen Gatsis Anderson Public Interest Law Fellowship

Throughout her career, Carina Segalini has demonstrated her dedication to making the court system fair and acces sible for all. She started at the Circuit Court in 2009 and helped develop, refine, and manage the Circuit Court’s ground breaking Mortgage Foreclosure Media tion Program, which provided thousands of homeowners with access to free hous ing counseling, legal services, and media tion to help them reach fair resolutions to their foreclosure cases and remain stably housed whenever possible. In 2019, she became Court Administra tor and Program Manager for the Circuit Court of Cook County, where she has been at the forefront of the Early Resolution Program, an innovative project addressing eviction, housing, and debt issues. As one of the judges she regularly works with in the Court’s Chancery Division aptly put it, Segalini works to “increase access to justice and procedural fairness while never draw ing attention to herself.” Susan Curry has been staunchly committed to public service throughout her legal career, including in her current role as Senior Director of Public Services and Pro Bono at the University of Chicago Law School. Some of her many notable accomplish ments in this position include launching a formal Pro Bono Program to encourage students to get involved in pro bono work, installing a postgraduate fellowship program for students pursuing public interest careers, and developing a Public Service Interview Program that invites public service employ ers to interview law students for postgradu ate positions. As a result of the Pro Bono Program, each graduating class now per forms over 15,000 hours of pro bono work during their time in law school. Leonard Jay Schrager Award of Excellence

2023 Andy Froelich 2022 Nicole Smith 2021 Alyssa Phillips 2020 Martin Cozzola 2019 Sue Pak 2018 Lydia J. Sharp 2017 Sarah Hess 2016 Amanda Walsh 2015 Candace Moore

2012 Susan Lepeau Decostanza 2011 Todd L. Belcore 2010 Beth Cunningham Malik 2009 Teri L. Ross 2008 Dennericka Brooks 2007 Miguel C. Keberlein Gutierrez 2006 Sarah E. Biehl 2005 Michael G. Bergmann 2004 Sherizaan Minwalla 2003 Elizabeth Berrones-Rotchford

2014 Catherine Longkumer 2013 Daniel M. Hochbaum

Justice Thomas L. Kilbride Public Service Award 2023 Carina Segalini 2022 Hon. Catherine Schneider

2021 Hon. Maxwell Griffin, Jr.

Richard J. Phelan Public Service Award (predecessor to Kilbride Award) 2020 Marcia M. Meis

2011 Kendall Hill 2010 Daniel A. Kirk 2009 Julie G. Sollinger 2008 Sergio E. Acosta 2007 James L. Dunn 2006 Ann M. Spillane 2005 D. Jean Ortega-Piron 2004 Michael J. Morrissey

2019 Hon. Cheryl A. Starks 2018 Mercedes Luque-Rosales 2017 Sheri Mecklenburg 2016 Deborah Hagan 2015 Leslie Landis 2014 Michael J. Pelletier

2013 Carol A. Casey 2012 Laurel Spahn

Leonard Jay Schrager Award of Excellence 2023 Susan Curry 2022 Jennifer Rosato Perea

2011 Stacey E. Platt 2010 Joseph Butler

2021 Colleen Boraca 2020 Laurie Mikva 2019 Maureen Kieffer 2018 Harold J. Krent 2017 Howard M. Rubin 2016 Shaye L. Loughlin 2015 Mary Bird 2014 Michael P. Seng 2013 Leonard Rubinowitz

2009 Randolph N. Stone 2008 Marguerite Angelari 2007 Ralph Ruebner 2006 Leonard L. Cavise 2005 Henry Rose 2004 Douglass Cassel 2003 Tom Geraghty Diane Geraghty 2002 Ronald W. Staudt

REGISTER NOW! Writing Tips to Promote Inclusion: Pronouns and More October 17, 2023 | 3:30-5:00 p.m. | 1.5 IL Diversity/Inclusion PR-MCLE Credit Live Webcast | Register at


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