CBA Record September-October 2023

CLE & MEMBER NEWS It could be if your membership dues have not yet been paid. In accordance with the Association’s By-Laws, cancellation notices were sent to all members who did not submit dues by August 31, 2023. If you received a cancellation notice, we want you back! Please take a moment to renew now at, call 312-554-2020, or mail your dues payment to the CBA at 321 S Plym outh Ct, Chicago IL 60604. Dues installment plan, $50 reduced dues, and $75 retired rates are available. Email membership@chicagobar. org for details. Fall is almost here, and the CBA is back in full swing, offering you resources to enhance your practice and ways to reconnect with colleagues, legal experts, and old friends. We are excited to resume Is This Your Last Issue? Over the summer, all members are asked to review/change their committee assignments for the new bar year via the online commit tee sign up form at All committee members will remain on their current assignments unless they make changes to their committee record. We invite members who are not currently serving on committees to get active this year. A complete description of all CBA and YLS committees, along with their meeting dates and new leadership information, is available at Most committee meetings qualify for free Illinois MCLE credit. The amount of credit depends on the length of the presentation (average credit is 0.75 hours). Most committee meetings are webcast live so you can earn free credit without leaving your office or home (only live webcasts count for credit, not archived meetings). Plus, CBA members can Have You Updated Your CBA and YLS Practice Area Committees Lately?

in-person events and will also continue our convenient virtual edu cational programming, giving you access to seminars, committee meetings, and legal resources anytime from anywhere. Whether you are looking for updates on court and legal developments, tips on practicing post-pandemic, new trends in the legal profession, business referrals, speaking opportunities, young lawyer training and mentoring, or supporting social justice initiatives, the CBA has you covered. Your membership also supports the CBA’s important missions in serving the bench, the bar, and the public. To the many members who have already renewed: Thank you! We look forward to serving you in the coming bar year. attend committee meetings for free (a great way to earn MCLE credits at no cost)! Confirmation of committee assignments and 2023-24 meeting date schedules will be emailed to all committee members in mid-August. Most committees will begin meeting again in September. Call or email CBA Committee Coordinator Awilda Reyes at 312-554-2134, with any questions. (Note: Members listed on committee rosters will receive direct emails regarding committee meetings, speakers, hand out materials, legislation, etc. However, you do not have to be listed on the committee roster to attend its meetings. Any member may attend any committee meeting.) Check the weekly CBA e-Bulletin which is emailed to all members every Thursday or visit for a current list of meetings.

Learn, Connect, and Grow Through CBA and YLS Practice Area Committees

CBA and YLS committees are now back in session, meeting during the noon hour. Over 40 new presentations are offered every month with free Illinois MCLE credit. Virtual, in-person, and hybrid meeting options are available. Committee speakers, topics, and MCLE credit availability are highlighted in the weekly CBA eBulletin, which is

emailed to all members every Thursday. Members may attend any meeting, but to receive special notices from committees in your practice area, sign up at Com mittee meeting registration information can be found at learn.

Enhance Your Resume, Expand Your Professional Contacts, Make New Friends!

By getting more involved in the CBA, you can raise your profile in Chicago’s legal community and meet lawyers whose paths you may have never crossed. Even a small commitment can reap big rewards. Here are just a few examples of speaking, networking, leadership, and other opportunities available through your CBA membership: • Speak at a seminar, committee meeting or community event. • Write an article for the CBA Record or @theBar Blog. • Help produce an episode of @theBar Podcast or the CBA’s legal cable TV series.

• Become a legislative liaison. • Evaluate judges through the CBA’s Judicial Evaluation Committee. • Volunteer for a pro bono project. • Help at a YLS community outreach project. • Join the Racial Justice Coalition. For more information on these opportunities or to learn how to become more involved in the CBA, email


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