CBA Record September-October 2022


would not otherwise gain at this stage of their career on a paying client matter. Be proactive and engaged if an appointed counsel matter is delegated to you. Seek to gain as much experience on the case s* -/**OrLUe 6/L(0)UU+ )/ )sMU )PU LUsVg with appropriate partner supervision, on making court appearances, develop f ing the overall strategy, responding to )PU VUSU0Vs0)5* 2/)O/0 )/ VO*2O** /+ motion for summary judgment, drafting discovery, responding to discovery, han f VLO0Q 2UU) s0V W/0SU+*g uLO0Q 2/)O/0* to compel, defending depositions, taking depositions, making expert disclosures, conducting expert depositions, and preparing for and conducting the trial. For many reasons beyond the scope of this article, paying clients may not be comfortable with junior lawyers taking the LUsV /0 *(WP W+O)OWsL s0V )O2UfO0)U0*O'U tasks. Appointed counsel litigation allows younger lawyers the opportunity to take )PU LUsV /0 /+ Ps'U *OQ0OuWs0) O0'/L'Uf ment in duties to which they otherwise may not get meaningful exposure to until later in their careers. By taking advan f tage of the opportunity to gain experi f ence on an appointed counsel matter, s *UW/0VfnUs+ LO)OQs)O/0 s**/WOs)U Ws0 QsO0 2/+U Uo-U+OU0WU )Ps0 s *Oo)PfnUs+ LO)OQs)O/0 s**/WOs)U s) s W/2-s+srLU u+2e Reason #3: Make a Positive Impres sion on Your Firm & Your Colleagues # u+2 L//M* s) 2s0n SsW)/+* pPU0 deciding whether an associate is ready to progress or to become a partner. High among these are litigation man f agement and effectiveness. In other p/+V*g pPU)PU+ )PU s**/WOs)U V/U* POQPf quality legal work, works hard, and is capable of serving as lead counsel on LO)OQs)O/0g */ )PU Ws*U O* pULLf-+U-s+UV S/+ trial and proceeds as smoothly as pos f *OrLU pO)P/() s0n *OQ0OuWs0) -+/rLU2*e ;sMO0Q )PU LUsV /0g /+ s *OQ0OuWs0) role in, appointed counsel litigation is an excellent opportunity to prove to n/(+ u+2 )Ps) n/( s+U +UsVn )/ )sMU )PU next step in your career as a lawyer. As

n/( )sMU /0 )PO* *OQ0OuWs0) +/LUg n/( pOLL work closely with colleagues and likely an experienced partner who may be vital to deciding whether and how quickly you sV's0WU s) n/(+ u+2e 4/+MO0Q Ps+V s0V -+/'OVO0Q POQPf,(sLO)n LUQsL p/+M /0 s0 appointed counsel matter is a great way to make a positive impression on these colleagues and the supervising partner. Making an impression also will lead to more responsibility, including opportuni f ties to do more interesting and reward f ing work on paying client matters. Doing excellent work during your service as appointed counsel will open many doors s) n/(+ u+2 s0V O0 )PU LUQsL -+/SU**O/0e ;PU X/+)PU+0 zO*)+OW) /S ^LLO0/O*5 -+/f gram where members of the Trial Bar can be appointed to represent indigent clients is unique and not standard among federal courts. Judges in the Northern District of Illinois take great pride in the Trial Bar/appointed counsel program and its access to justice for indigent indi f viduals who otherwise may be denied that access. Judges in the Northern Dis f trict are also universally appreciative of s--/O0)UV W/(0*UL5* )O2U s0V USS/+)* O0 furtherance of their appointed clients. Although Northern District judges handle hundreds of cases, and see hun f dreds of lawyers a day, for better or worse, they remember appointed lawyers Reason #4: Make a Positive Impres sion on the Court

who appear before them and whether those lawyers are diligent and prepared. Judges notice when an appointed lawyer takes a matter seriously, gives it the care and diligence it deserves, and works hard for the client. Accordingly, getting involved in an appointed counsel matter and working hard on it is an excellent way to make a positive impression on a SUVU+sL N(VQU s0V )/ U0Ps0WU n/(+ u+25* and your reputation before the Court. In summary, if an appointed coun f sel matter is delegated to you, become heavily invested. Work hard and aim to get your client an excellent result, just as you would a paying client. Seize the opportunity to help your appointed client, perform a great service, gain criti f cally important experience, make a posi f tive impression on your colleagues, and build a stellar reputation with the Court.

Jake Berger, an associ ate at Tabet DiVito & Rothstein LLC practicing primarily in commercial litigation in state and fed eral courts throughout the country, received the 2022 ;'#B55B$#B :$ >A" -"$"

Award from the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois for representing an inmate at Statesville Correctional Center who /5B! 3 7B#<:"$ 4)+2 #53:& 355B@:$@ <=3< =B (3? permanently injured as a result of being denied timely medical care.


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