CBA Record May-June 2024


Many Opportunities, One Committee: YLS Federal Taxation Committee

By Ted S. Kontopoulos

T he CBA Young Lawyers Section Federal Taxation Com mittee offers tax attorneys the opportunity to connect, learn, and publish. The committee’s scope is broader than its name implies: it welcomes attorneys who practice interna tional tax, federal tax, state and local tax, or a combination, in litigation, controversy, and transactional settings. To connect, the committee organizes monthly social lunches at Revival Food Hall on Clark Street. To learn, the committee coordinates CLE meet ings every other month that cover current and recurring topics in tax law. For instance, the last CLE meeting highlighted the ins and outs of the IRS employee retention tax credit program; the next CLE meeting will cover business valuation in conjunction

with the YLS Business Law Litigation Committee. To publish, the committee connects members with editors from the CBA Record and YLS Blog. In the 2024-2025 bar year, the Commit tee anticipates helping additional members get published, orga nizing CLE meetings that discuss the role of tax policy in racial equity, and continuing to host monthly social lunches. Ted S. Kontopoulos is a co-chair of the YLS Federal Taxation Com mittee, a member of the CBA Record editorial board, and an attor ney for the IRS Office of Chief Counsel, Associate Chief Counsel (International).

Making a Difference in Our Community: YLS Serving Our Seniors Committee

By Paige N. Fox

I n previous years, the Serving our Seniors committee col laborated with the Center for Disability and Elder Law to help low-income seniors create powers of attorney through workshops, similar to our Wills for Heroes program. While our collaboration with CDEL for staffing their POA workshops con tinues, these events have become less frequent since the Covid 19 pandemic. Therefore, over the last two years, we have shifted our focus to hosting monthly CLE sessions centered on elder law and various other issues impacting seniors. These sessions are free of charge and are open to committee members and the entire

CDEL staff. Topics covered include long-term care insurance, Medicare, voting rights, special needs trusts, Medicaid planning, financial planning, online scams and elder abuse, and VA ben efits. The SOS committee will host a joint event with the Illinois National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys this year as well (more information to come later). Paige N. Fox is Principal Attorney at Fox Elder Law, LLC, as well as the 2024 President of the Illinois Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA).

CBA Members can join CBA and YLS Committees at no additional cost at Committee members receive email notice of upcoming meetings and events.

SAVE THE DATE! YOUNG LAWYERS SECTION ANNUAL MEETING June 18, 2024 | 5:30-7:30 p.m. Location and complete information available at in May.

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