CBA Record May-June 2024

Fong agreed with the importance of bar associations in the career of law yers and involved himself in local and national bar associations. He served as President of the Chinese American Bar Association of Chicago and a member of the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Continuing Legal Edu cation. He also served as an officer and later general counsel of NAPABA. In the national groups, Fong found additional inspiration and even support to change the direction of his professional career. In 2019, Fong attended a presentation at NAPABA’s annual conference. He lis tened to speakers who transitioned from legal to business careers. Fong already aspired to pursue a business career but hesitated due to the risks. At the same seminar, he was paired with an attorney from Seattle with similar ambitions. They made a pact to keep each other account able as they pursued their goals. Now, he serves as Chief Operating Officer, and she is the co-founder and general counsel of a legal technology company. Yu also extols the benefits of participa tion in bar associations. Yu tried to dis cern and conquer unarticulated rules and expectations as his legal career took him from the public to the private sector. He developed his skills and grew his network through participation in bar associations. He served as president of the Korean American Bar Association of Chicago and AABA Chicago.

public service. She became a model exem plifying all that one can achieve when not placing limits on one’s self. She realized the importance of diversity on the bench and founded the Asian American Judges Asso ciation of Illinois to support and promote AAPI judges in Illinois. Call to Action The history of Asian Americans in the legal profession is rich and complex. In Chi cago, many successful AAPI attorneys do not hesitate to share their experiences and wisdom with others. As Yu noted, “The path has been paved and is more defined now. Learn from the experiences of others, decide what you want to do, and then forge the path to achieve your goal.” Yu adds, “Seek out others who have achieved their goals and cultivate those relationships. Become an active member of a bar association. These groups are a wealth of information and support, especially as you advance in your career. Wherever you are in life, if you feel suc cessful and happy, keep doing it.”

Seize Opportunities and Follow Your Passion

AAPI practitioners must remember that we can also help ourselves by seizing opportunities, especially leadership roles, and following our passions. Park, a former president of AABA Chicago, also sought leadership roles within her firm. Since joining Vedder 16 years ago, Park has witnessed the firm’s commitment to diversity and inclusion efforts. And, she sought opportunities to have a hand and voice in that develop ment. Park’s unique personal and profes sional experiences allow her to contribute to discussions positively and, at times, help explore unintentional implicit biases. For instance, when a colleague suggested an AAPI associate with otherwise solid credentials and experience might not be assertive enough to be a litigator, Park asked for specific examples to support that conclusion. With that simple ques tion, Park focused the discussion on facts rather than implicit biases. Hansen is another example of someone who seizes opportunities, leads by example, and creates change by following her pas sions. Her legal career began at the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office. Even after Hansen opened her own practice, she knew she wanted to serve her Evanston community, and she went on to serve in multiple political positions. Despite not seeing people who looked like her in these positions, Hansen followed her passion for

Judge Jasmine V. Hernandez presides over nonjury civil matters in the First Municipal District, Circuit Court of Cook County and is a member of the CBA Record Editorial Board.

Kajal Patel serves as a law Clerk to Presid ing Judge E. Kenneth Wright, Jr., First Municipal Division, Circuit Court of Cook County.


May 30, 2024 | 1:30-4:30 p.m. | 2.75 IL MCLE Credit | Live Webcast This seminar will discuss the current plight facing migrants in our current political environment as well as provide information and tools to aid in defending their right to seek asylum and other forms of relief in the United States.

TRUST LAW: PLANNING FOR 2024 May 29, 2024 | 3:00-6:00 p.m. | 2.75 IL MCLE Credit | Live Webcast

This seminar will discuss the current plight facing migrants in our current political environment as well as provide information and tools to aid in defending their right to seek asylum and other forms of relief in the United States. Register at

32 May/June 2024

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