CBA Record July-August 2024

2. National ADR Summit in Chicago with American Arbitra tion Association President Judge Bridget McCormack (ret.) as the keynote speaker (Chair: Judge Thomas Mulroy (ret.). 3. National Domestic Violence Symposium in Chicago, co-sponsored with the ISBA, WBAI, DCBA, and Wings Program. 4. Civics Committee Matters that Matter event and Leader ship for Lawyers Symposium. 5. National Gun Violence Program. 6. DICE diversity event with the The DuSable Black History Museum and Education Center, Inc. 7. President’s CLE Trip to Sicily (Palermo and Taormina) from late April/early May. 8. Member Appreciation Month and the CBAY’S Recogni tion Awards Ceremony in May. 9. Health & Wellness CLE program. My theme for this year is Leaving a Legacy for Our Legal Pro fession. In that regard, we will form an exploratory committee to create the CBA Legal History Museum and Education Center in Chicago. I am pleased to announce that Past President Daniel Cotter has agreed to chair this committee to determine the feasi bility of such an endeavor. As the CBA was a leader and visionary on many endeavors (judicial evaluation, juvenile court, probate court, CDEL, and many others), the time is right to embark on a lasting gift to our profession and to create a museum that will be home to relics, artifacts, trials, and transactions of Chicago judges and lawyers in one place. It will be a magnificent feat to make this a reality, and I’m looking forward to the great possibility.

I wish to thank several people for helping and inspiring me during this long journey and for my legal career. First and fore most is my spouse of 39 years, Esther, and our four adult children and their spouses: John Jr., Michael (Hailey), Anna (Peter) and Joey. They are the reason I am here, and they are the reason for my passion in the law and in life. I love them. To my mother, Rosemarie, and to my maternal grandparents, Carmie and Angie, who helped raise me, thank you for all your love and sacrifice for my brother Carmen (wife Lisa) and for me. There were many tur bulent times, but you always made it seem like it would just pass, and it always did. To my law partners and colleagues at Aronberg Goldgehn, thanks for your support and inspiration. I also thank the many Past CBA Presidents who have been shining examples of how lawyers should conduct themselves and how they should “give back” to our profession. I will always try to emulate you in all my endeavors. In addition, I thank Judge Thomas Mulroy (Ret.), Judge Maryam Ahmad, Chief Judge Tim Evans, Judge Bill Bauer, Jus tice Michael B. Hyman, Laurel Bellows, Bob Clifford, Kevin Durkin, Jesse Ruiz, Dan Kotin, Dan Cotter, Lynn Grayson, Steve Elrod, Tim Tomasik, and Ray Koenig for supporting me throughout this CBA journey. I’m most grateful. Finally, I’m asking each of you to ask yourselves: What will be your legacy to our profession? Being a lawyer has been my dream since the age of five. One of the greatest days of my life was to be sworn in as a lawyer. Being your President of the CBA is right next to it. Thank you all for this privilege. I’m so honored. Let the 2024-2025 Bar year begin!

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