CBA Record July-August 2024


Building and Expanding Our Foundations: Welcome Home, YLS Kenneth A. Matuszewski, YLS Chair


Chair Kenneth Matuszewski

Goldberg Segalla First Vice-Chair Gavin Phelps Phelps LLC

committees and write articles for the YLS Journal or our innovative @theBar blog, but in any “Big Bar” program or initia tive, such as the Edward J. Lewis Lawyers in the Classroom program or the Law yers-Lend-a-Hand to-Youth tutoring pro gram? The sheer number of opportunities is staggering. I hope to use this platform in part to raise awareness about the many ways YLS members can get involved with the CBA, further develop their leadership skills and legal acumen, and attain per sonal fulfillment. We also plan to implement several new initiatives and to restore some previ ous successful programs, all of which will follow a framework called C.I.V.I.C.S. C: Communication. As YLS Chair, I want the YLS to be as transparent and unambiguous as possible. That desire is what has led the Executive Council to revise its by-laws twice within the past four years. If you have any questions about getting involved within the YLS, or if you have any ideas for new programs, or want to learn more about becoming a leader within the YLS or to connect in general, my door is always open. I.V.: Increased Visibility. One of the main goals of the YLS is to give every incentive and opportunity for members to access community and professional resources. This includes reviving and re-branding the former YLS L.E.A.D. Committee to the Large Law Firm Com mittee, which will not only focus on the needs of YLS members practicing at large law firms, but also provide network ing opportunities for members inter ested in working at large law firms. More importantly, the YLS will focus on the Chicago community through community service events and marching in parades, such as such as the Bud Billiken parade.

Second Vice-Chair Aleksandra Petrovic Damisch & Damisch Ltd. Member Service Manager Stephanie Moon Armstrong Teasdale LLP Public Service Manager Jacob Berger Tabet DiVito & Rothstein Project Officer Deepa Singh U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Project Officer Pam Sran Fox Rothschild LLP Secretary/Treasurer Andre A. Hunter, Jr. Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani Co-Editors in Chief YLS Journal Nikki Marcotte Kirkland & Ellis LLP Joanna Kopczyk Attorney at Law Vice Chair of YLS Journal Katherine Hanson Chicago-Kent College of Law Co-Editors in Chief @theBar Blog Teresa Dettloff Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office

I t is an incredible honor to serve as the 54th Chair of the Young Lawyers Sec tion, especially after a banner 150th Anniversary. As the CBA enters year 151, one question is at the forefront: what can we do to ensure both the CBA and the YLS thrive for another 150 years? To answer such a question by myself would be daunting. However, I stand not only on the shoulders of past YLS Chairs and leaders, but also on the shoulders of my fellow YLS officers, Executive Council members, and future leaders—in whom I have the utmost confidence. Together, we can answer this question. As a first step, to know how to move forward, we need to understand where we’ve been. While I have been involved with the YLS and the CBA for many years, to this day, I am still surprised by the vast number of resources and ser vices that the CBA offers. For example, did you know that the CBA’s website has a job board across all practice areas on the home page, underneath the Careers tab? Or that we have a chorus, orches tra, big band, and even musical theater troupe (the Bar Show), all in-house and all comprising attorneys, judges, law stu dents, and other legal professionals? And did you know that YLS members not only can participate in the YLS’s 30-plus

Hannah Werner J.D. Candidate, Chicago- Kent College of Law DEI Officer Bianca Ciarroni Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP

34 July/August 2024

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