CBA Record July-August 2024


Local Chicago Favorites:

“Our” Kind of Town!

C hicago is one of the world’s most vibrant, diverse, and unique cities. Set on miles and miles of breathtaking lake front and riverwalk, it is filled with show-stopping enter tainment venues, art, architecture, restaurants, bars, shopping, and more. Whether you want to catch a jazz or blues show, visit a world-renowned museum, see street art, dine at a Michelin-star restaurant or a hole-in-the-wall establishment, drink Old Styles or the finest wines, or catch a major league baseball game, Chi cago has it all — and more! Chicago is a city rich in history, almost to the point where you’d need to live here your entire life to experience all of it. From our early-1800s frontier-era landmarks to the late-1800s era first skyscrapers in America, to the World’s Fair, to the Great Migra tion, to the neighborhoods that reflect the diverse groups that

make up modern Chicago, you can literally experience the devel opment of the United States and the world by visiting Chicago. Due to Chicago’s sheer size, though, it can be difficult to expe rience all that our city has to offer on a short visit. To help, we have asked CBA Record Editorial Board members to weigh in on some of their favorite aspects of Chicago. Below you will find a carefully curated list of what we love about Chicago, focusing on Chicago-centric experiences that make our city unique. They’re organized into the categories of Museums, Tours and Neighbor hoods, Food, Performing Arts, and Law. And we wrap up with not just one, but two tributes to our lakefront, Chicago’s crown jewel. We hope you can enjoy a few of these suggestions and make Chicago “your” kind of town too! —Jake Berger, CBA Record Editorial Board Member

Accessible Chicago Kathleen Dillon Narko, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law

“Make Chicago the most accessible and inclusive city in the world.” – Vision statement of the Chicago Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities. For quick links to accessibility at Millennium Park and other attractions, go to and search for “accessibility.” The website also includes articles on groundbreaking accessibility programs at local cultural institutions, autism-friendly spots for family fun, and first-person stories of favorite accessible places to visit. Public transportation is wheel chair accessible. Rideshare services and the Curb taxi app also have wheelchair-accessible vehicles.

28 July/August 2024

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