CBA Record July-August 2024

This improved center will give residents of Cook County who cannot afford lawyers a better way to get help in navigating our legal system,” said Circuit Court of Cook County Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans. “I am grateful to The Chicago Bar Foundation, Illinois Jus ticeCorps, CARPLS, the Greater Chicago Legal Clinic, the Center for Disability and Elder Law, and employees of my office for their help in providing this resource for people seeking justice in Cook County. “ “ Several core legal help programs are currently based in the Resource Center and collectively provide services to thousands of court patrons each year: Illinois JusticeCorps: An innovative program that recruits college students and recent graduates to help people without lawyers navigate the court system by providing referrals to legal aid, procedural information, and assistance with filling out and filing court documents. Municipal Court Advice Desk: This desk, staffed by CARPLS, provides free legal assistance to low-income individuals with cases pending in the Municipal Division of the Circuit Court of Cook County in cases involving evictions, debt collection, torts, and contracts. The Greater Chicago Legal Clinic is also a partner in the pro gram, providing extended representation in appropriate cases referred to them by CARPLS. Domestic Relations Advice Desk: Staffed by CARPLS, this desk provides advice and brief services in divorce and parentage cases. The desk helps people repre sent themselves in court on less complex family law matters. Foreclosure Advice Desk: This desk, staffed by the Greater Chicago Legal Clinic as part of the Circuit Court’s Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program, offers free legal services to homeowners in foreclosure, including information about the legal process and your rights and responsibilities during the foreclosure process. Adult Guardianship Desk : Center for Disability & Elder Law (CDEL) representatives assist the public in completing paperwork for filing petitions for adult guardian ship of the person. The petitioners represent themselves throughout the guard ianship process, with guidance from CDEL and its volunteers. More information on the Resource Center and the programs there that assist people without lawyers is available on the CBF website at chicagobarfoundation. org/courts.

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