CBA Record January-February 2025

and ask them to consider joining our JEC. We will be making concerted efforts to recruit new JEC members in 2025 and rein vigorate this important committee. My committee work evolved into chairing the CBA Golf Outing for many years and being a Vice-Chair and then Chair of the Bench & Bar Committee (which we are reviving this bar year). I was involved at the start of the Commercial Litigation Committee which has grown and prospered over the past 25 years. I worked to establish the Civics Committee and served (and eventually chaired) the Finance, Membership, ADR, and CLE Committees. I am helping to revive the Domestic Violence and Veteran’s/Military Committees. At the urging of Past President Judge Thomas R. Mulroy (ret.) in 2017, with his and then-Executive Director Terry Murphy’s support, my law partner, Jerry Holisky, and I formed the Busi ness Divorce and Complex Ownership Disputes Committee.

The founding members of the committee worked diligently to ensure a successful committee launch, and I can attest that form ing this committee and participating in its leadership has been a highlight of my legal career. The committee has had a profoundly positive influence on my professional and personal life. Committee work also provides the opportunity to mentor younger lawyers, teach them the right way to practice law, and to perpetuate our individual legacies through the next generation of lawyers—thereby benefiting our profession as well. I encourage all of you to recommit in this new year to becom ing more involved in and contributing to our CBA substantive and service committees. Your involvement will be your legacy to our association, to your fellow members, and to our legal profession.

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Administrative Law | Adoption Law | Alternative Dispute Resolution | Animal Law Antitrust Law | Aviation Law | Bankruptcy & Reorganization | Biometric Information and Privacy Law | Business Divorce and Complex Ownership Disputes | Business Transactions | Child Law Civil Practice | Class Action | Commercial Litigation | Commercial Property Law | Consumer Credit | Consumer Law | Criminal Law | Cyber Law & Data Privacy | Domestic Relations | Elder & Disability Law | Election Law | Employee Benefits | Energy, Telecommunications & Water | Environmental Law | Family Office Practice | Federal Civil Practice | Federal Taxation | and More!

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